5 must-have checks to create a secure password

Posted By : Rina Latuperissa
3 Min Read


Creating a secure password is ever more important today because we depend a lot on online service in our daily lives. The method of creating a secure password is not very difficult. All it takes is to follow a few simple rules, and you should be soon making a reasonably safe password.

Here are some essential steps to get you started:

#1 The longer the password, the more secure it is. The length of a password is more important than the complexity of the password to make it secure. Having 14 characters in the password is a good number to start with if the online service allows for it; else, you should use the maximum character length allowed on the website.

#2 A healthy and secure password is a complex one that should have a mix of alphabets – both upper and lower cases, numbers and symbols in random order. With the combination of characters and their random order, it becomes tough for hackers to crack passwords.

#3 Use a unique and strong password for your email service. Do not use this same password for any other online accounts you sign up for. This way, anytime your account is compromised or hacked, your email account becomes your primary source to reset your password and contains other vital information relating to your identity. So, your email password needs to be your most secure account.

#4 Always activate Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), Two-factor authentication (2FA) or One-time password (OTP) feature in your online accounts if it is available. This setting is usually under the privacy or security setting of your online service’s account. It will add a second layer of security or a second key required to access your account. Even though it requires you to enter two passwords, the added security it provides is worth the extra effort.

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#5 Remembering complex passwords and multiples of them can get challenging. In that case, use a password manager to save, generate and manage your passwords. But, if password managers are not for you, it is okay to write down your credentials and passwords in a book or paper physically and keep them safely away in a secure place away from other’s reach. However, do not write your credentials on a postit or notepad that is lying around your computer.

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