Samsung has launched two new budget range smartphones starting at a price of ₹8,999. The new F-series smartphones have been introduced with the Indian market in mind. Samsung has tied up with Flipkart for the launch of the new devices. Galaxy F12 comes with a quad-camera setup with ISOCELL plus technology and a high refresh rate display. Galaxy F02s comes with a Infinity-V Display and a big battery.
Price and availability
The Samsung Galaxy F12 comes in two memory variants. The variant with 4GB RAM and 64GB of internal storage is priced at ₹10,999 and the variant with 4GB RAM and 128GB internal storage is priced at ₹11,999. However, the company is offering the cheaper variant at an introductory price of ₹9,999.
Both the new smartphones will be available on Samsung Online Store, Flipkart.com and select retail stores. Galaxy F12 comes in three colours: Sea Green, Sky Blue and Celestial Black.
The Samsung Galaxy F12 sports a 48MP quad-camera. The Samsung Galaxy F12 also gets a 5MP ultra-wide lens with 123-degree field of view. The phone also gets 2MP macro lens and a 2MP depth sensor with live focus. Galaxy F12 comes with an 8MP front camera.
The Galaxy F12 comes with a 6000mAh battery and an in-box 15W USB-C fast charger. It comes with Adaptive Fast Charging technology.
The Galaxy F12 comes with an 8nm Exynos 850 Octa-Core 2.0GHz processor. The phone comes with Android 11 out of the box and supports One UI 3.1 core. Both Galaxy F12 and Galaxy F02s are powered with LPDDR4X RAM.