Trump news live: Latest as New York starts criminal probe into Trump Organisation

Posted By : Tama Putranto
9 Min Read


Related video: Cheney calls for criminal investigation into Trump

The New York Attorney General’s office has said it is expanding its civil probe into Donald Trump’s business empire, and is now “actively investigating the Trump Organisation in a criminal capacity”.

The attorney general’s office – already conducting a civil investigation of Mr Trump’s company – suggested that the probe is in conjunction with an ongoing criminal investigation by the Manhattan district attorney.

Trump’s former lawyer Michael Cohen responded to the big news about New York’s criminal investigation by sharing a photoshopped photo of his old boss behind bars.

Cohen has reportedly been interviewed by the district attorney’s investigators, who have been looking at “possibly extensive criminal conduct” at the Trump Organisation – including tax and insurance fraud and falsification of business records.


Capitol riot commission ‘counterproductive’, says Kevin McCarthy

House minority leader Kevin McCarthy has said he won’t support a proposal to form an independent commission to study January’s deadly insurrection at the US Capitol, ahead of today’s big vote on the issue.

Calling the commission “potentially counterproductive,” the Republican said he wanted any panel to look beyond the violent uprising by supporters loyal to Donald Trump.

McCarthy and other Republicans – including Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell – have pushed to have the new commission also investigate other violent acts, including protests last summer in the aftermath of the death of George Floyd.

Trump news live: Latest as New York starts criminal probe into Trump Organisation

Kevin McCarthy opposes creation of commission



‘This is a letter talking about jail time’

Former acting solicitor general Neal Katyal says Donald Trump, his associates and family are facing a very serious legal threat.

“What this letter is saying is that prosecutors believe that there is a strong reason to think that the Trump Organisation committed various crimes,” Katyal told MSNBC on the New York attorney general’s criminal investigation statement.

“It’s not some statement from Nancy Pelosi or Joe Biden or Kamala Harris. It’s not even a Supreme Court loss, of which Trump had many, or a civil fine, of which Trump has paid many. This is a letter talking about jail time.”

Adam Forrest19 May 2021 10:26


Biden-Putin summit coming soon?

Russia hopes to decide soon about a potential summit between Joe Biden and Vladimir Putin, the RIA news agency cited a Russian deputy foreign minister as saying on Wednesday.

US secretary of state Antony Blinken and Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov were expected to hold talks on Wednesday night, amid a push to agree a presidential summit.

The Kremlin will consider the “behaviour” of the US before deciding whether to agree to the meeting, according to RIA. The Biden administration is hoping to improve dire ties with the former Cold War foe.

Joe Biden is hoping to revive US-Russia relations


Adam Forrest19 May 2021 10:03


What is the Manhattan district attorney looking into?

The New York attorney general’s office has suggested its criminal investigations into the Trump Organisation will be done in conjunction by the Manhattan district attorney’s office – which has been probing the business empire for two years. So what has district attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. been looking at?

– Investigators having been looking at whether the Trump organisation inflated property values to obtain loans and lowered values to reduce its taxes.

– Investigators have been examining financial dealings at several Trump properties – including Trump International Hotel and Tower Chicago, Trump National Golf Club in Los Angeles.

Manhattan DA looking into Trump Organisation for two years

(Getty Images)

Adam Forrest19 May 2021 09:55


Trump tells Republicans to block Capitol riot probe

Donald Trump is yet to respond to the big news on New York’s criminal investigation. But he has urged Republicans to not support the creation of a 9/11-style commission for investigating the US Capitol attack.

The House today votes on the Democratic-backed proposal, which would see a committee investigate Trump’s role in spurring on the riots.

“Republicans in the House and Senate should not approve the Democrat trap of the January 6 Commission,” the statement from Trump said.

“It is just more partisan unfairness and unless the murders, riots, and fire bombings in Portland, Minneapolis, Seattle, Chicago, and New York are also going to be studied, this discussion should be ended immediately,” he said.

Adam Forrest19 May 2021 09:23


Michael Cohen mocks Trump with jail photo

Donald Trump’s former lawyer Michael Cohen responded to the big news about New York’s criminal investigation by sharing a photoshopped photo of his old boss behind bars.

“As more documents are reviewed by the NYAG and NYDA, it appears that the troubles for Donald Trump just keep on coming! Soon enough, Donald and Associates will be held responsible for their actions,” Cohen told Reuters in a text message on Tuesday night.

Cohen has already been interviewed by the Manhattan district attorney’s investigators, sources have said.

Adam Forrest19 May 2021 08:54


Republicans vie for Trump’s blessing in Ohio Senate primary

The US Senate primary in Ohio is still a year away, but Republican contenders already are working furiously to cast themselves as Trump’s favourite in the open race.

More on the Trump-loving contenders here:

Adam Forrest19 May 2021 08:50


House to vote on panel to probe US Capitol attack

The House is poised to vote on a 9/11-style commission on the deadly insurrection at the US Capitol – a first step toward creating an independent, bipartisan panel that would investigate the siege and try to prevent it from happening again.

While the measure is expected to be approved Wednesday by the House, a commission will likely be a more difficult sell in the Senate. The Republicans there signalling that they will try to block or at least slow down the effort.

Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell said that he is “pushing the pause button” on the legislation to form the commission.

While controlling the Senate, Democrats would need at least 10 GOP votes to pass the measure under Senate rules.

Adam Forrest19 May 2021 08:49


New York starts criminal probe into Trump Organisation

The New York Attorney General’s office has said it is expanding its civil probe into Donald Trump’s business empire, and that it is now “actively investigating the Trump Organisation in a criminal capacity”.

The attorney general’s office – already conducting a civil investigation of Mr Trump’s company – suggested that the probe is in conjunction with an ongoing criminal investigation on him by the office of Manhattan district attorney Cyrus Vance Jr.

“We have informed the Trump Organisation that our investigation into the organisation is no longer purely civil in nature,” Fabien Levy, a spokesman for the attorney general’s office, said in a statement.

The civil investigation has been probing whether the Trump Organisation manipulated property values to secure loans and obtain economic and tax benefits.

A separate investigation by Manhattan’s Mr Vance has been looking into similar allegations over the business dealings done during Trump’s pre-presidency period spanning about two years.

Adam Forrest19 May 2021 08:43


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