Apple has discontinued the original HomePod almost four years after the company launched the smart speaker. The Cupertino giant had launched the HomePod mini, a smaller version of the speaker. Apple is reportedly shifting its focus from the larger original HomePod to HomePod mini.
Apple will stop the production of the original HomePod. However, a report by TechCrunch claimed that the company will be selling the bigger speaker till the stocks last. The company told the publication that they will be shifting the focus completely to HomePod mini which is priced at $99.
The statement said, “HomePod mini has been a hit since its debut last fall, offering customers amazing sound, an intelligent assistant, and smart home control all for just $99. We are focusing our efforts on HomePod mini. We are discontinuing the original HomePod, it will continue to be available while supplies last through the Apple Online Store, Apple Retail Stores, and Apple Authorized Resellers. Apple will provide HomePod customers with software updates and service and support through Apple Care.”
The Apple HomePod was launched at a price of $349. The main rivals of the smart speaker, Google Home, Amazon’s Echo were priced much more competitively. Apple reduced the price of the HomePod to $299. However, the sales did not take off as the company expected.
The lower-priced HomePod mini, on the contrary, has been accepted well due to the $99 price tag. In India, the HomePod has been priced at ₹19,990. However, limited stock may keep buyers from getting the older speaker. The HomePod mini has been priced at ₹9,900 and is currently available on the official Apple website.