
Tama Putranto

4593 Articles

Former Australian PMs put Murdoch in the hot seat on climate change

“Citizens around the world need to take consumer action against Murdoch’s products,”…

Tama Putranto Tama Putranto

The negative Trustpilot review that cost over £25,000

A firm of solicitors that sued a former client for defamation after…

Tama Putranto Tama Putranto

Covid needs Big Pharma to set aside old rivalries

The writer, a former Teva executive, is a lead adviser in manufacturing…

Tama Putranto Tama Putranto

Plane on fire in Saudi Arabia as airport ‘attacked by Houthi rebels’

A passenger plane has been engulfed in flames in Saudi Arabia after an…

Tama Putranto Tama Putranto

KPMG/audit reform: behind the curve

Stop playing the victim card, KPMG’s UK boss told staff on Monday.…

Tama Putranto Tama Putranto

Microsoft made an approach to buy Pinterest

Microsoft approached Pinterest in recent months about a potential deal to acquire…

Tama Putranto Tama Putranto

Silicon Valley should give every child a laptop to bridge the digital divide

This week I got an email from one of my daughters’ schools…

Tama Putranto Tama Putranto

EU vaccine rollout: Ursula von der Leyen apologises for late action

Ursula von der Leyen today issued a grovelling apology for the EU's…

Tama Putranto Tama Putranto

MPS/UniCredit: Draghi and Orcel go toe to toe

If anyone can make the Italian banking system work it is “Super…

Tama Putranto Tama Putranto

Twitter threatened by Indian Koo

Donald Trump’s supporters would no doubt spot an irony if Twitter was…

Tama Putranto Tama Putranto