Ex-general says Michael Flynn is getting ‘crazier and crazier’ after endorsing Myanmar-style military coup in US

Posted By : Tama Putranto
3 Min Read


A retired veteran of the US Army has blasted Michael Flynn for suggesting a Myanmar-style coup in the US and said Donald Trump’s former national security adviser is getting “crazier and crazier.”

Retired Lt General Mark Hertling, who served for 37 years in the US army, appeared on CNN to say Mr Flynn might have lost control of himself.

“I knew him when he was an active soldier. And I think just some of the things he’s saying are getting crazier and crazier as the day goes on,” said Mr Hertling.

“And, unfortunately, he has, in my view, gone off the deep end and he shouldn’t say those kinds of things because it runs contrary to what we vow an oath to defend and what we serve as soldiers and former soldiers in the Army,” he said.

His stern comments came after Mr Flynn, who was first and one-time national security adviser to Mr Trump, endorsed the idea of a coup in the US on the lines of one in Myanmar in which the military overthrew a democratically elected government and seized its powers.

Mr Flynn’s statements, criticised by several former military personnel, were made during the “For God & Country Patriot Roundup,” in Dallas on Sunday.

An attendee who identified himself as a Marine asked Mr Flynn, “I want to know why what happened in Minamar (sic) can’t happen here?”

“No reason. I mean, it should happen here,” he said, as the crowd cheered.

Mr Hertling noted that the person who identified himself as a Marine and “mispronounced Myanmar as ‘Minamar’ is very simple.”

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On Monday, a message posted from Mr Flynn’s Parler account said his words had been twisted and that he did not suggest a coup.

Lieutenant Colonel Yevgeny “Eugene” Vindman said he would be willing to prosecute a court martial of Mr Flynn, who is still subject to the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

“With these seditious remarks, Comrade Flynn may have crossed the line for recall to active duty and court-martial. As a JAG I’m qualified and also happy to prosecute this case,” he said on Twitter. “PS, US mil would NEVER support this. We love America.”

Mr Vindman was fired last year from his job at the US army office by Mr Trump after he raised concerns about the former president’s dealings with Ukraine.

Mr Flynn was also ousted from his job after he pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI concerning his deals with Russia’s ambassador prior to Mr Trump taking office. He was later pardoned by Mr Trump.

But after leaving the White House, Mr Flynn has become an active member of QAnon.


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