House members aren’t above rules on guns, security or respecting police

Posted By : Rina Latuperissa
7 Min Read


James P. McGovern

The American people expect Congress to be the site of great debates as legislators work to build the more perfect union envisioned by our Founders. The facts, together with moments of great oratory, have changed the course of history and swayed popular opinion time and again toward doing what’s right.

We all recently witnessed the terror that violent forces can unleash on the Capitol. The police officers that guard the complex saved many lives, with one even losing his life in the line of duty that tragic day.

This was not the first time there has been violence in and around the Capitol. Five members of Congress were wounded in 1954 when an armed group in the visitor’s gallery opened fire on the House floor below. Markings from their bullets remain in the ceiling of the chamber to this day.

However, for the better part of our nation’s history, staff, essential workers, and members have remained safe at the Capitol. That’s thanks in large part to federal laws, regulations governing the grounds, Capitol Police, and responsible actions by members of Congress.

Weapons ban dates from 1967

In the months following the historic race riots of 1967, President Lyndon B. Johnson signed a federal law explicitly banning weapons on Capitol Grounds. This law also authorized the Capitol Police Board, the entity that oversees safety protocols across the Capitol complex, to issue additional regulations.

The board issued those regulations days after the law took effect. They said that nothing “shall prohibit any Member of Congress from maintaining firearms within the confines of his office or … transporting within the Capitol Grounds firearms unloaded and securely wrapped.” They went on to say that no person “shall carry any firearm inside the chamber or on the floor of either House, in any lobby or cloakroom adjacent thereto, …unless assigned or approved by the two Sergeants at Arms.”

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Some members, including myself, would like to see these regulations go further, while others want no prohibition at all. The reality is that these rules remain in place today, and they must be followed. In fact, every member is required to sign a document agreeing to follow these regulations at the start of each Congress.

Capitol Police install a metal detector outside the House of Representatives Chamber in Washington, D.C., on Jan. 12, 2021.

Unfortunately, some members have gone from pledging to follow the rules one day to boasting that they will disregard them the next.

One member, Republican Lauren Boebert of Colorado, went so far as to run an ad depicting her walking around our nation’s capital with a loaded firearm, tweeting, “Let me tell you why I WILL carry my Glock to Congress.” Another member, Republican Madison Cawthorn of North Carolina, recently bragged that he “was armed” during the recent riots. 

Such comments, especially following the recent deadly insurrection, have forced unprecedented levels of security around the Capitol to keep members, staff and visitors safe. New metal detectors have been installed outside the House Chamber to allow Capitol Police to scan everyone who walks onto the floor. It’s the same type of security all Americans are used to when entering federal buildings or boarding a plane.

Some have wondered if such a step is necessary. Those questions were answered just last week when Capitol Police discovered Rep. Andy Harris, R-Maryland, carrying his firearm onto the House floor. 

Apparently, some members believe that being elected to Congress makes them part of an elite club that can disregard the rules at will. Some colleagues, particularly on the other side of the aisle, have disrespected Capitol Police by verbally assaulting and pushing past them in an effort to evade these metal detectors.

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Disrespect for rules and Capitol Police

Such a blatant disregard for Capitol Police officers and the regulations has made it necessary for us to act. The House voted Tuesday to impose fines on members who refuse to let the Capitol Police do their jobs and keep the House Chamber safe. The fine for the first offense will be $5,000, and $10,000 for each offense thereafter. This money will be required to be paid by members directly.    

The Sergeant At Arms will be required to notify any member, in writing, of the violation, including findings detailing the violation which will be made publicly available online. Written appeals will be considered by the House Ethics Committee, giving members the ability to have any disputes reviewed by a bipartisan entity.

This approach builds on a rule change put in place in the 115th Republican-controlled Congress, which fined members for taking photographs or recording audio or video on the House floor. 

It is deeply disappointing that this step is necessary to enforce rules that have been on the books for more than five decades. I have never had to worry about a colleague bringing anything other than their latest remarks with them to the House floor. The recent words and actions by some, however, have raised new safety concerns that we must take seriously.

Serving in Congress is an honor, but members are no different than the people they represent. They must follow the rules just like everyone else.

Rep. James P. McGovern, D-Massachusetts, is chairman of the House Rules Committee. Follow him on Twitter:@RepMcGovern


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