Israeli police fire tear gas and stun grenades at Palestinian protesters on Temple Mount

Posted By : Tama Putranto
17 Min Read


Hundreds of people have been wounded in fresh clashes between Palestinians and Israeli security forces in Jerusalem as a planned march marking Israel’s 1967 takeover of the holy city threatened further violence.

Palestinians hurled projectiles at Israeli officers in riot gear who fired rubber bullets, stun grenades and tear gas, following a night of sporadic clashes centered around the Old City.

Shocking CCTV also revealed the moment an Israeli driver was pelted with rocks by protesters near the Lions’ Gate entrance to the Old City, before ramming his car into them and getting stuck on the pavement. 

The man was pelted with rocks for several more minutes before a gun-wielding police officer arrived. Despite that, clashes continued as he was pictured in a fist-fight in the street moments later.

‘There are hundreds of people injured from the clashes’ and about 50 were hospitalised, the Palestinian Red Crescent said about the latest unrest since violence escalated following the last Friday prayers of the holy Muslim month of Ramadan.

The clashes were the latest in days of the worst such disturbances in Jerusalem since 2017, fuelled by a years-long bid by Jewish settlers to take over nearby Palestinian homes in Israeli-annexed east Jerusalem.

A key court hearing scheduled for Monday on Sheikh Jarrah, the flashpoint east Jerusalem neighbourhood at the centre of the property dispute, has been postponed.

There were fears of further violence in the city ahead of a planned march Monday by Israelis to commemorate Israel’s takeover of Jerusalem in the 1967 Six-Day War, an anniversary known as ‘Jerusalem Day’ in the Jewish state. 

Israeli police fire tear gas and stun grenades at Palestinian protesters on Temple Mount

Shocking CCTV has revealed the moment Palestinian protesters pelted an Israeli man’s car with rocks during clashes near Jerusalem’s Old City, before he drove into crowds

A gun-waving policeman eventually came to the man's aid as protesters continued throwing rocks, with hundreds of people injured in violence today

A gun-waving policeman eventually came to the man’s aid as protesters continued throwing rocks, with hundreds of people injured in violence today

Moments later, the man was involved in a fist-fight with police just inches away amid the worst violence that Jerusalem has seen in recent years

Moments later, the man was involved in a fist-fight with police just inches away amid the worst violence that Jerusalem has seen in recent years

Palestinian medics evacuate a wounded protester from the Aqsa mosque compound in Jerusalem's Old City amid clashed with security forces that have seen hundreds hurt

Palestinian medics evacuate a wounded protester from the Aqsa mosque compound in Jerusalem’s Old City amid clashed with security forces that have seen hundreds hurt

Israeli police detain a protester near the compound that houses the Al-Aqsa Mosque during clashes today

Israeli police detain a protester near the compound that houses the Al-Aqsa Mosque during clashes today

Israeli police arrest a Palestinian man at the Lions' Gate, as clashes continue at the Temple Mount in the Old City of Jerusalem

Israeli police arrest a Palestinian man at the Lions’ Gate, as clashes continue at the Temple Mount in the Old City of Jerusalem

Medics evacuate a protester who was injured near the Lions' Gate entrance to Jerusalem's Old City amid fresh violence on the streets today, amid fears it could escalate further

Medics evacuate a protester who was injured near the Lions’ Gate entrance to Jerusalem’s Old City amid fresh violence on the streets today, amid fears it could escalate further

Clashes between Israeli security forces and Palestinians began during Ramadan, but dramatically escalated at the weekend with fighting around the Al-Aqsa mosque

Clashes between Israeli security forces and Palestinians began during Ramadan, but dramatically escalated at the weekend with fighting around the Al-Aqsa mosque

Medical workers evacuate a wounded protester from near the Dome of the Rock, Judaism's holiest site that sits just next to the Al Aqsa Mosque which has been at the centre of clashes

Medical workers evacuate a wounded protester from near the Dome of the Rock, Judaism’s holiest site that sits just next to the Al Aqsa Mosque which has been at the centre of clashes

An injured man is helped to his feet by a passerby inside the Temple Mount/Haram esh-Sharif compound in Jerusalem

An injured man is helped to his feet by a passerby inside the Temple Mount/Haram esh-Sharif compound in Jerusalem

Israeli security forces detain a Palestinian protester amid clashes at the Damascus Gate in Jerusalem's Old City amid some of the worst clashes in the city for years

Israeli security forces detain a Palestinian protester amid clashes at the Damascus Gate in Jerusalem’s Old City amid some of the worst clashes in the city for years

A member of Israeli police aims a weapon during clashes with Palestinians at the compound that houses Al-Aqsa Mosque

A member of Israeli police aims a weapon during clashes with Palestinians at the compound that houses Al-Aqsa Mosque

Israeli riot police are seen forming a shield wall near the Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem's Old City amid violent clashes with Palestinian protesters that have entered their third day

Israeli riot police are seen forming a shield wall near the Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem’s Old City amid violent clashes with Palestinian protesters that have entered their third day

Israeli police had, as of Sunday, approved the march, which was scheduled to start around 4:00 pm (1300 GMT).

The leader of the far-right Religious Zionism party, Bezalel Smotrich, has also announced a visit Monday to the tense Sheikh Jarrah district.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday defended Israel’s response to the protests and rioting.

‘We will uphold law and order – vigorously and responsibly,’ Netanyahu said while vowing to ‘guard freedom of worship for all faiths’. 

But the Israeli role in the hostilities – especially Friday’s clashes at the Al-Aqsa mosque compound, Islam’s third holiest site – has met widespread criticism.

All six Arab nations that have diplomatic ties with Israel – Egypt, Jordan, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Morocco and Sudan – have condemned the Jewish state.

In Jordan, the custodian of Jerusalem’s holy Islamic and Christian sites, King Abdullah II condemned ‘Israeli violations and escalatory practices at the blessed Al-Aqsa mosque’.

Jordan and Egypt both summoned Israeli envoys on Sunday to lodge protests.

Tunisia said the UN Security Council was to hold a closed-door meeting Monday, at its request, on the violence.

The Middle East quartet of envoys from the European Union, Russia, the United States and the United Nations – and Pope Francis – have all called for calm.

‘Israeli authorities must exercise maximum restraint and respect the right to freedom of peaceful assembly,’ UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said.

The Red Crescent said a total of more than 300 Palestinians were wounded on Friday and Saturday nights.

The UN children’s agency UNICEF said that over two days, 29 Palestinian children had been injured in east Jerusalem, including a one-year-old.  

Clashes between Israeli security forces and Palestinian protesters have been centered around the Asl-Aqsa Mosque. Today, at Lions' Gate, a car was filmed driving into protesters as they pelted it with rocks. Later today, a Jerusalem Day procession is due to pass through Damascus Gate and through the Muslim quarter of the city, amid fears it will spark more clashes

Clashes between Israeli security forces and Palestinian protesters have been centered around the Asl-Aqsa Mosque. Today, at Lions’ Gate, a car was filmed driving into protesters as they pelted it with rocks. Later today, a Jerusalem Day procession is due to pass through Damascus Gate and through the Muslim quarter of the city, amid fears it will spark more clashes

Israeli police detain a Palestinian man during clashes around the compound that houses Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem

Israeli police detain a Palestinian man during clashes around the compound that houses Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem

Israeli security forces detain a Palestinian man near Jerusalem's Old City, amid clashes that are the worst to have hit the city since at least 2017

Israeli security forces detain a Palestinian man near Jerusalem’s Old City, amid clashes that are the worst to have hit the city since at least 2017

Palestinian medics evacuate a wounded protester from the Aqsa mosque compound in Jerusalem's Old City

Palestinian medics evacuate a wounded protester from the Aqsa mosque compound in Jerusalem’s Old City

Palestinians clash with Israeli security forces at the Al Aqsa Mosque compound, which has seen three days of violence amid fears the situation could worsen further today

Palestinians clash with Israeli security forces at the Al Aqsa Mosque compound, which has seen three days of violence amid fears the situation could worsen further today

Palestinians who had gathered near the Al Aqsa Mosque ahead of a march to the nearby Dome of the Rock by Israelis later today are dispersed by Israeli security forces

Palestinians who had gathered near the Al Aqsa Mosque ahead of a march to the nearby Dome of the Rock by Israelis later today are dispersed by Israeli security forces

Palestinians take cover as Israeli police open fire with tear gas and rubber bullets while medics rush to help the injured

Palestinians take cover as Israeli police open fire with tear gas and rubber bullets while medics rush to help the injured

A Palestinian man rushes to get rid of a tear gas grenade amid clashes with Israeli security forces near the Dome of the Rock

A Palestinian man rushes to get rid of a tear gas grenade amid clashes with Israeli security forces near the Dome of the Rock

A member of Israeli security forces runs amid clashes with Palestinian protesters in Jerusalem's Old City

A member of Israeli security forces runs amid clashes with Palestinian protesters in Jerusalem’s Old City

Israeli police detain a Palestinian during clashes at the compound that houses Al-Aqsa Mosque, known to Muslims as Noble Sanctuary and to Jews as Temple Mount

Israeli police detain a Palestinian during clashes at the compound that houses Al-Aqsa Mosque, known to Muslims as Noble Sanctuary and to Jews as Temple Mount

Medics tend to a wounded Palestinian during clashes with Israeli police at the compound that houses Al-Aqsa Mosque

Medics tend to a wounded Palestinian during clashes with Israeli police at the compound that houses Al-Aqsa Mosque

A Palestinian man is confronted by Israeli security forces in Jerusalem's Old City ahead of a planned Jerusalem Day march that is likely to inflame tensions further

A Palestinian man is confronted by Israeli security forces in Jerusalem’s Old City ahead of a planned Jerusalem Day march that is likely to inflame tensions further

The unrest of past weeks in east Jerusalem, which Palestinians claim as their future capital, has multiple causes.

Much of the recent violence stems from a long-running legal effort by Jewish settler groups to evict several Palestinians from their homes in Sheikh Jarrah.

A lower court ruling earlier this year backing the settlers’ decades-old claim to the plots infuriated Palestinians.

A Supreme Court hearing on a Palestinian appeal had been set for Monday, but the justice ministry said Sunday that in light of ‘all the circumstances’ it would delay the hearing.

Old City shopkeeper Mohammad said Israeli police told him he must close Monday afternoon, when Israeli Jews plan to march with Israeli flags to mark Jerusalem’s ‘reunification’.

Israel annexed east Jerusalem following the 1967 takeover, a move not recognised by most of the international community.

The unrest has spread across the Palestinian territories, including demonstrations and clashes in the occupied West Bank.

Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas has expressed ‘full support for our heroes in Al-Aqsa’.

Hamas Islamists who control the Gaza Strip have also voiced support for the Palestinian protesters and warned Israel of retribution if evictions proceed in Sheikh Jarrah.

Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh called Sunday for a united Arab and Muslim response against Israel’s ‘provocative desecration of the sanctity of Al-Aqsa Mosque’.

Four rockets were fired from Gaza towards Israel on Sunday, the army said, as well as incendiary balloons that started 39 fires on Israeli territory, according to the fire services.

The Israeli military said late Sunday that ‘tanks just struck Hamas terror targets in Gaza’, without giving further details.

Jewish men wave Israeli flags as they gather at the Western Wall in Jerusalem's Old City, ahead of a planned Jerusalem Day march amid fears of further violence

Jewish men wave Israeli flags as they gather at the Western Wall in Jerusalem’s Old City, ahead of a planned Jerusalem Day march amid fears of further violence

Jerusalem Day marks Israel's victory over Egypt, Jordan and Syria during the Six Day War of 1967 during which they seized control over the city. A parade, which forms part of the celebration, is due to take place today

Jerusalem Day marks Israel’s victory over Egypt, Jordan and Syria during the Six Day War of 1967 during which they seized control over the city. A parade, which forms part of the celebration, is due to take place today

Jewish men wearing the traditional Jewish prayer shawls known as Tallit gather near the Western Wall ahead of a Jerusalem Day march that could further inflame tensions in the city

Jewish men wearing the traditional Jewish prayer shawls known as Tallit gather near the Western Wall ahead of a Jerusalem Day march that could further inflame tensions in the city

Palestinians clash with Israeli security forces at the Al Aqsa Mosque compound in Jerusalem's Old City

Palestinians clash with Israeli security forces at the Al Aqsa Mosque compound in Jerusalem’s Old City

Medics treat a wounded man during clashes with Israeli security forces at the Al Aqsa Mosque compound

Medics treat a wounded man during clashes with Israeli security forces at the Al Aqsa Mosque compound

An Israeli police officer carries a shattered riot shield through the Temple Mount compound surrounded by rocks following clashes with Palestinian protesters

An Israeli police officer carries a shattered riot shield through the Temple Mount compound surrounded by rocks following clashes with Palestinian protesters

Why are violent clashes taking place in Jerusalem?

East Jerusalem has seen nightly clashes during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, with Palestinians pitted against Israeli police and settlers.

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The issues and the scale of the protests have varied, covering religion, land and politics, but running through them all is the core conflict between Israelis and Palestinians over the city, which has sites sacred to Judaism, Islam and Christianity. Here are some of the factors that have brought Jerusalem to near boiling point:

When did the protests start?

From the beginning of Ramadan in mid-April, Palestinians clashed nightly with Israeli police, who put up barriers to stop evening gatherings at the walled Old City’s Damascus Gate after iftar, the breaking of the daytime fast.

Palestinians saw the barriers as a restriction on their freedom to assemble. Police said they were there to maintain order.

Why did the violence flare up again?

An Israeli Supreme Court hearing was due on May 10 in a long-running legal case about whether several Palestinian families would be evicted and their homes in Sheikh Jarrah, a neighbourhood near Damascus Gate that was given to Israeli settlers.

Some settlers have already moved into the street affected – living next door to the Palestinians facing possible removal.   

As the court hearing neared, Palestinians and left-wing Israelis began holding larger demonstrations, saying more evictions could cause a domino effect throughout the overwhelmingly Palestinian neighbourhood.

Sheikh Jarrah also contains a site revered by religious Jews as the tomb of an ancient high priest, Simon the Just, leading to frequent tensions between Palestinian living there and religious Jews visiting it.

International attention

The case, in which a lower court ruled that the land in question belonged to Jews in East Jerusalem before the 1948 War, has gathered domestic and international attention, amid criticism of Israeli settlements in East Jerusalem.

On Sunday U.S. National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan spoke to his Israeli counterpart to express “serious concerns about the potential evictions of Palestinian families from their homes in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood,” the White House said. read more

And United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres expressed “his deep concern over the continuing violence in occupied East Jerusalem, as well as the possible evictions of Palestinian families from their homes,” U.N. spokesman Stephane Dujarric said on Sunday.

What next?

On Sunday the Supreme Court hearing on the evictions was postponed, pushing at least one flashpoint past the end of Ramadan and allowing more time for a resolution. A new session will be scheduled within 30 days. read more

Monday is Jerusalem Day, Israel’s annual commemoration of its capture of East Jerusalem during the 1967 war. The event usually sees a march through the walled Old City by Jewish pilgrims, including ultra-nationalists, which could be another flashpoint.

Why is Jerusalem so sensitive?

Politics, history and religion.

At the heart of Jerusalem’s Old City is the hill known to Jews across the world as Temple Mount – the holiest site in Judaism – and to Muslims internationally as The Noble Sanctuary. It was home to the Jewish temples of antiquity. Two Muslim holy places now stand there, the Dome of the Rock and Al-Aqsa Mosque, the third holiest place in Islam.

Christians also revere the city as the place where they believe that Jesus preached, died and was resurrected.

Israel sees all of Jerusalem as its eternal and indivisible capital, while the Palestinians want the eastern section as a capital of a future state. Israel’s annexation of East Jerusalem is unrecognized internationally.


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