LG India launched a new size of its popular CX line-up of OLED TVs. The CX will now be available in a 48-inch variant. The company is targeting the new TV for a gaming-centric audience. With the launch of the new TV OLED technology will now be available in a smaller footprint. Prior to the new 48(121.92cm) OLED TV, the smallest variant available in the CX line-up was 55-inch. LG has priced the new TV at a price of ₹1,99,990 in India.
Similar to other screen size TVs in the line-up, the LG 48CX is powered by Nvidia G-sync. The company claims that the new TV provides super-responsive gaming with no tearing and stuttering. The TV also gets HGiG profile for deeper blacks and HDR gaming.
The new LG OLED 48CX TV also features LG’s Alpha 9 Gen 3 processor. The company claims that it delivers AI Acoustic Tuning and supports gaming-focused features like higher frame rate, VRR (Variable Refresh Rate), ALLM (Auto Low Latency Mode) and eARC (Enhanced Audio Return Channel), all meeting HDMI 2.1 specifications. With ALLM, TV’s low-lag Game mode is automatically selected when a compatible console is connected, and VRR dynamically matches the TV’s refresh rate to the frame rate being output by a console.
The new LG TV also comes with a Sports Alert feature that provides realtime alerts to users on their favorite sports news and game updates.
The TV also gets a new Filmmaker mode which LG claims, enhances the cinema viewing experience by correctly adjusting the TV’s settings to show a movie “as the filmmaker intended.”
The TV also features Dolby Vision IQ and Atmos which makes it compatible with Dolby Vision content on the user’s TV according to the brightness of the room. The TV gets LG ThinQ with Google Assistant, Alexa built-in, Apple AirPlay, and HomeKit.