Oppo has launched a new flagship device, Find X3 Pro which is powered by Snapdragon’s latest top-tier chipset. The phone also gets a VOOC Flash Charging. The Oppo Find X3 Pro will start shipping from 30 March in few markets and will be priced at 1149 euros (slightly under ₹1 lakh) in Western Europe. Prices and availability may vary among different markets.
Find X3 Pro is 8.26mm deep and weighs 193g and also gets IP68 water and dust-resistance.
“We have taken inspiration from the depths of the cosmos, from the future, and the past, to deliver OPPO Find X3 Pro, created to fit seamlessly in your life while opening it to new worlds. Every millimetre, inside and out, is designed to be powerful and flexible, immersive and always sparking beautiful emotions with Billion Colour brilliance,” said Lie Liu, President of Global Marketing, OPPO.
The phone gets a 6.7-inch QHD+ (3216 x 1440) OLED display. It gets a 525ppi pixel density and peak brightness of 1300 nits. Find X3 Pro’s display can natively deliver up to 120Hz adaptive refresh rate.
The company claims that the camera on the X3 Pro is Inspired by DSLRs. The Find X3 Pro’s wide and ultra-wide cameras feature an IMX766 50MP sensor, co-engineered with Sony.
The camera also supports up to 60x magnification.
The Find X3 Pro gets the new Qualcomm Snapdragon 888 processor paired with Adreno 660 GPU. The phone also supports Dual Mode 5G. Find X3 Pro supports NSA and SA 5G networks. It also supports 13 5G bands as well as Dual-5G SIM cards.
Fast Charging
The phone comes equipped with a 4500mAh battery. The phone supports SuperVOOC 2.0 flash charging. The company claims the charger can deliver 40% power in just 10 minutes; and with 30W AirVOOC wireless flash charging, the Find X3 Pro reportedly powers up to 100% in 80 minutes. The phone also supports 10W reverse wireless charging.