Trump book author Michael Wolff spars with CNN’s Brian Stelter over accuracy of key book claim

Posted By : Tama Putranto
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Trump book author Michael Wolff spars with CNN’s Brian Stelter over accuracy of key book claim

The author of a controversial new book on former President Donald Trump and his last days in office battled a CNN host over a key claim about Fox News.

During a segment on Sunday’s Reliable Sources, CNN’s chief media correspondent Brian Stelter challenged author Michael Wolff over his claim in Landslide that Fox News owner Rupert Murdoch personally made the decision to call Arizona in President Joe Biden’s favor on election night, a charge the network has fiercely denied.

Mr Wolff’s book added that Mr Murdoch also reportedly rejected Mr Trump with a simple insult uttered to his son Lachlan Murdoch on a phone call: “F*** him”.

Mr Wolff defended the veracity of that claim on Sunday, claiming to be “well-sourced” throughout both the Fox corporation as well as Mr Murdoch’s own family, noting his past work writing a biographical account of the Australian-American media billionaire.

“I reported that at that time, the [Fox] decision desk got in touch with Lachlan Murdoch, Lachlan called his father, his father said, you know, to go with this report,” Mr Wolff said.

Mr Stelter countered by stating that Fox’s spokespeople had denied the author’s reporting.

“You say Rupert Murdoch was involved in the election night decision to call Arizona for Biden,” Stelter said. “I’ve never heard such a thing. Fox denies that’s true.”

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“I am well-sourced throughout the company and throughout his family,” Mr Wolff said in defense of his reporting. “Therefore, I know that this happened. My sources are extraordinarily good.”

Mr Wolff also criticized the CNN host, adding: “It is an interesting thing that week after week all you do is question Fox, question its veracity, question its honor, question et cetera et cetera, but suddenly now you think that they might be honest to a fault.”

Mr Stelter responded, stating that he had “never questioned Fox’s decision desk,” on which a number of political science experts sit and project election calls.

A spokesperson for the network addressed the book’s reporting in a statement to The Independent, telling various news outlets: “Arnon Mishkin who leads the FOX News Decision Desk made the Arizona call on election night and FOX News Media President Jay Wallace was then called in the control room. Any other version of the story is wildly inaccurate”.


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