WhatsApp recently introduced the View Once feature for Android beta users that allows sending photos and videos as disappearing messages that destroy themselves after being seen once. Chances are that the same feature would be introduced for iOS users soon. Meanwhile, the Facebook-owned messaging platform has started rolling out the View Once feature for web and desktop users.
Users can find the View Once feature in the new version 2.2126.11 for WhatsApp Web or the desktop client of the platform. It is being rolled out in a phased manner. This means if you don’t see the feature on your web or desktop client yet, you need to wait for a few more days.
The View Once feature allows users to send disappearing messages, similar to Snapchat. Photos and videos send using this feature disappear after the recipient opens them once. If the feature is already available for your WhatsApp account, you will see a view once button while sending the media.
However, WhatsApp doesn’t provide a screenshot detection alert with this feature, which means the content sent via View Once can be saved without the sender’s knowledge.
Along with View Once, WhatsApp is also releasing New Archive feature for more web and desktop users. This feature ensure that when you don’t receive a notification for a message sent from an archived chat. The message instead stays in the archive.
Users can also restore their old archive from WhatsApp settings for Android as well as iOS.
The New Archive feature is also being rolled out in a phased manner and will reach more people in coming days.
Recently, multi-device support was spotted for WhatsApp beta. The feature is still not functional, but in development stage before it can be rolled out. It will allow users to access WhatsApp on up to four devices along with the primary smartphone.
Despite the functionality to log in to multiple devices at once, there aren’t many changes expected with the logging process. The chats and calls will be end-to-end encrypted even with multi-device access too, WhatsApp has assured.
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