Month: April 2021

Norway’s oil fund makes first investment in renewable energy

Norway’s $1.3tn oil fund has made its first investment in renewable infrastructure,…

Telegraf Telegraf

Morgan Freeman Takes A Shot At Coronavirus Anti-Vacciners

Morgan Freeman delivered a damning critique of anti-vaccine campaigners on Tuesday and…

Telegraf Telegraf

Lex Midweek Letter: Clubhouse is becoming less clubby as it grows

Dear readers,Clubhouse copycats are getting out of hand. First, there was Twitter’s…

Telegraf Telegraf

Biden should summon the courage to reverse course on China

The writer, a distinguished fellow at the National University of Singapore, is…

Telegraf Telegraf

Ukraine redux: war, Russophobia and Pipelineistan

Ukraine and Russia may be on the brink of war – with…

Rina Latuperissa Rina Latuperissa

Woman dies hours after COVID jab

An elderly woman has died in a Queensland aged care facility just…

Rina Latuperissa Rina Latuperissa

ALEX BRUMMER: IMF perks up its forecast after Uncle Sam saves the day

Joe Biden is riding a wave of optimism following the passage of…

Rina Latuperissa Rina Latuperissa

Liftoff by Eric Berger — Elon Musk’s otherworldly ambition

One stormy afternoon in August 2008, a Falcon 1 rocket momentarily flirted…

Telegraf Telegraf

‘It’s the tone’: Palau president explains his China mistrust

Hong Kong – He leads one of the world’s smallest nations, but…

Telegraf Telegraf

Three smart standing-desk solutions

Tabletop workstations that will have you on your feet Source link

Tama Putranto Tama Putranto