Ted Cruz Is Mocked For Jason Bourne Reference To CIA Recruiting Video

Posted By : Telegraf
4 Min Read


A CIA recruitment video promoting diversity prompted Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) to reference fictional agent Jason Bourne in his criticism of the clip. So, Twitter users spied an opportunity to pile onto the controversial lawmaker.

The video, focusing on a Latina officer in the agency, was posted to the CIA’s Twitter account last week and has been making the rounds on social media. It has drawn criticism for perhaps trying too hard to portray its subject as both exceptional and ordinary.

Cruz’s lame putdown became internet fodder.

“If you’re a Chinese communist, or an Iranian Mullah, or Kim Jong Un…would this scare you? We’ve come a long way from Jason Bourne,” wrote Cruz, who has spent a lot of energy lately shouting the right-wing catchwords “cancel culture” and “woke.”

Twitter scorched the controversial lawmaker for using the fictional Bourne, a spy from the Robert Ludlum books who was played by Matt Damon in several movies, to address real-world issues.

“Hey, moron: “Jason Bourne” is imaginary ― like your conscience,” commentator Keith Olbermann wrote.

Others on Twitter also burned the senator.


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