Woman busts cheating husband by reading about his newborn baby in a NEWSPAPER birth announcement

Posted By : Telegraf
14 Min Read


A scorned woman has gone viral after claiming that she busted her husband of ten years for cheating by reading his name in a local newspaper announcement that was celebrating the arrival of his second child with ‘some other female’. 

Ami Addison, 47, from Pennsylvania, shared her shocking divorce story in a series of TikTok videos in which she alleged that she discovered her now-ex-husband had been having a lengthy affair just days before their ten-year wedding anniversary when she opened the newspaper and saw the news of his baby’s arrival. 

‘So about a week before our tenth wedding anniversary I was in my office looking through the newspaper,’ the ER nurse began her video – which she posted in response to another user’s call for stories about cheating spouses. 

‘At that time in the newspaper, they would publish birth announcements [with] the parents’ names, sex of the baby, date they were born, what hospital. So I see my husband’s name and some other female’s name. I knew it was his name because it’s an unusual name.’ 

Woman busts cheating husband by reading about his newborn baby in a NEWSPAPER birth announcement

Shock: A woman has gone viral after claiming that she busted her cheating husband by reading a local newspaper birth announcement celebrating his baby with another partner 

Say what? Ami Addison, 47, from Pennsylvania, opened up about the incident in a TikTok video, in which she recalled the moment she says she saw the birth announcement

Say what? Ami Addison, 47, from Pennsylvania, opened up about the incident in a TikTok video, in which she recalled the moment she says she saw the birth announcement

Say what? Ami Addison, 47, from Pennsylvania, opened up about the incident in a TikTok video, in which she recalled the moment she says she saw the birth announcement 

Ami says she visited the hospital website in order to find more details, explaining that the facility would regularly post pictures and information about newborn babies – and it was there she learned that her husband had not only welcomed a baby boy ‘days prior’, he had also had a daughter with the other woman more than a year before.  

‘So I look at the hospital website = where they would also post pictures of new babies – typed in his name, and her first name, sure enough they had a baby boy a few days prior,’ she said.

‘But not only that, they had a baby girl about a year and a half before that. So yeah, that’s how I found out I was being cheated on.’

Ami’s video was met with shock and outrage from her fellow TikTok users, with many begging the mom to share more information about how she confronted her husband and questioning whether or not she was still with him. 

In a series of 20 follow-up clips, she shared further details about the days after her discovery, explaining that she did indeed confront her husband about his affair – but only after she had ‘got her ducks in a row’ to ensure that her three kids were safe and out of their home beforehand. 

‘Obviously I was very upset, but also mama didn’t raise no fool so I wanted to make sure that I had all of my ducks in a row before I confronted him with the information that I knew,’ Ami shared in a second clip. 

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‘So this happened on a Wednesday that I found out. I didn’t say anything to him on that Wednesday, not one word. As difficult as that was. 

‘Thursday, he got up up and left for work. He worked “overtime” on Thursdays, which I’m sure meant spending time with his other family.’ 

After her husband left for work, Ami got her three kids packed up for elementary school, and it was only then that she started getting herself ready to leave. 

Adding insult to injury: The mother - who shared three kids with her husband - says she learned that the newborn was actually her husband's second child with his mistress

Adding insult to injury: The mother – who shared three kids with her husband – says she learned that the newborn was actually her husband’s second child with his mistress 

Although she claims in a later video that the ‘house was in her name’, the nurse said that she ‘knew’ her husband would not willingly vacate the property, so she made the decision to leave in order to protect her children. 

‘I told [my kids] to not take the bus home from school, that I was going to pick them up,’ she said. ‘I packed up all of their clothes, I packed up as many clothes as I could fit in my car and I went and checked into a hotel.’ 

Once she had set herself and her kids in a hotel, Ami took the chance to do some research on the woman that she believed her husband had been having an affair with and she managed to find out where she lived.  

‘I found out where this girl lived and some more deets about her,’ the nurse recalled. ‘So on Thursday after I settled into the hotel, I drove past this girl’s house, and lo and behold, his car was sitting in front of her house.’ 

Seeing his vehicle at the other woman’s home was the breaking point for Ami, who says she then returned to her own house, packed up all of her husband’s clothes – and then dumped them on top of his car in the middle of a rainstorm. 

‘So I went back to my house, I packed up all of his clothes in trash bags, as much as I could fit in my [car],’ she shared. ‘And I drove it over to this girl’s house and dumped all of his clothes, suits, Jordans, lots and lots of clothes all over his car – mind you, it was pouring down raining.’

To really hammer her point home, Ami completed the pile of clothing by adding a cherry on top: an anniversary card. 

She returned to the hotel and waited to hear from her husband, but when he finally phoned, he seemed completely unaware of what had happened – and even tried to claim that he and his car were both at work. 

Revenge? She confessed that she actually married a man who her ex-husband new - however things with her new partner, whose name is Reggie, appear to be going much better

Revenge? She confessed that she actually married a man who her ex-husband new – however things with her new partner, whose name is Reggie, appear to be going much better 

‘I was expecting him to see his clothes and his anniversary card and then call me and we were going to go from there,’ she said. ‘He called me like an hour and a half later and was just talking [about] random things like nothing happened.’ 

Ami says she urged him to go and look at his car and then call her back – which he did, 90 minutes later, from their house phone. 

But far from expressing any kind of regret, Ami says her husband simply proceeded to ‘yell at her’ about his ‘ruined’ clothing, before trying to insist that he had been ‘at a friend’s house for lunch and she had ‘misunderstood’. 

‘So he called me from the house phone and when I answered, he then proceeded to yell at me that I had ruined his clothes and shoes and who did I think I was doing that,’ she revealed. 

He even went as far as to ‘deny’ that he’d had children with another woman, despite Ami making clear that she had seen the birth announcement in the newspaper, and confirmed the news with the hospital. 

Finally, Ami’s husband admitted to his affair – insisting to her that it had all been a ‘big mistake’ and that he was actually willing to ‘give up’ the children he’d had with the other woman in order to make the marriage work. 

‘He told me how much he loves me and it was just a big mistake and he doesn’t want her and that he would give up the kids if it meant that I would stay with him,’ she claimed. 

‘That tells me more of a person that you are than just you doing what you did. No, I don’t want to be with you. You made your choices, now suffer the consequences.’

Things then took a turn for the bitter, after Ami’s husband allegedly refused to leave their home, forcing her and their children to reside in a hotel for a week – while she made several attempts to force him out of their shared house. 

‘After about a week I was tired of living in the hotel with my kids [so] I told him, “Look you can take whatever you want out of the house, this is ridiculous that me and my three kids are in a hotel room. Take whatever you want, I just want to get them back home,”‘ she shared.

'Sorry you lost': In the final video post about her divorce, Ami praised her current husband Reggie, sharing a series of images of them together

‘Sorry you lost’: In the final video post about her divorce, Ami praised her current husband Reggie, sharing a series of images of them together 

‘He still refused to go, so I had a lot of friends in… low places that encouraged him to leave, which he then did. And he took everything. He took all of the food out of the cabinets, he took all of the furniture except the things that were too heavy for him to move, and he moved into his sister’s house. He didn’t even go back to her house. 

‘He was still in the hopes that I would take him back and he didn’t want to mess that up by going to stay with her.’  

According to Ami, her husband’s mistress – whom he had allegedly been seeing for ‘five years’ – was fully aware that he was married, with the nurse telling her fascinated TikTok followers: ‘She knew he was married and she knew she was the sidechick and she was 100 per cent OK with that.’ 

When asked how she managed to go so long without finding out about her husband’s ‘other life’, Ami explained that she worked nightshifts at the hospital, which gave him much more freedom to do what he wanted in the evenings. 

She also said that, in hindsight, she ‘saw hundreds of red flags’ in their relationship, but admits that she ‘overlooked’ them while they were still married. 

In her next few videos, Ami explained how relations with her husband continued on a downward spiral over the next few months, alleging that he ‘harassed her’ and sent her ‘threatening messages’, and claiming that she had to get a restraining order against him, which she was granted for a full year.   

The couple then engaged in a bitter divorce battle, with Ami claiming that her husband attempted to claim $1,700-a-month in spousal support from her, which the court was prepared to grant because she earned more money than he did. 

One year after she first learned of her husband’s alleged infidelity, their divorce went through – and Ami revealed that she has since found love with a new partner, Reggie, who was actually a friend of her ex-husband.   


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