Why the Left disrespects science

Posted By : Telegraf
9 Min Read


While the Left loves to use the word “science,” it regularly adopts pseudo-science to support its positions and ignores actual science when the latter undercuts its claims. Perhaps the salient example is so-called climate science, where the massive complexity of the system and large time scales make sufficient observation of the system impossible.

In a 2007 paper published in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, Claudia Tebaldi of the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado, and Reto Knutti of the Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Science in Zurich, Switzerland, irrefutably state the fundamental problem:

“The predictive skill of a model is usually measured by comparing the predicted outcome with the observed one. Note that any forecast produced in the form of a confidence interval, or as a probability distribution, cannot be verified or disproved by a single observation or realization since there is always a non-zero probability for a single realization to be within or outside the forecast range just by chance.

“Skill and reliability are assessed by repeatedly comparing many independent realizations of the true system with the model predictions through some metric that quantifies agreement between model forecasts and observations…. This might sound obvious, but it is important to note that climate projections, decades or longer in the future by definition cannot be validated directly through observed changes.”

Although “obvious,” the impossibility of testing and therefore the impossibility of having valid scientific knowledge appears to have had no effect on the Left. They trot out wild predictions that are not validated, and therefore scientifically meaningless.


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