China’s defense budget signals will to outmatch US

Posted By : Rina Latuperissa
8 Min Read


It’s that time of year when the People’s Republic of China (PRC) announces its defense budget. This year, defense spending is set to increase nearly 6.8% after last year’s 6.6% rise. Beijing perhaps only issues these figures as a favor to the Pentagon and US think tanks. 

How’s that?

In the US a defense budget works as follows: Congress authorizes a certain amount of money to be spent on “defense.” Say, US$700 billion. The Department of Defense and the military services then have to live within that amount. If they over-spend, they’re Out of Schlitz, to borrow an old beer commercial jingle. And they’ll have to wait until next year, or else beg for something extra.

It’s not so different from our personal budgets and how we manage our income and expenses.

So it sounds familiar to us when China announces that it is spending a certain amount on defense. Analysts will argue over the “true” figure and whether there are “defense-related” expenditures that don’t go into the official figure. And they’ll try to adjust for the fact that things don’t cost the same in China as in the US.


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