After Cabinet Reshuffle Kadin seeks investment climate certainty

Posted By : Telegraf
4 Min Read
Chairman of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin), Arsjad Rasjid. FILE/Panji Asmoro

Chairman of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) Arsjad Rasjid hopes that the ministers / deputy ministers and heads of agencies newly appointed by President Joko Widodo today, Monday (19/08/2024), can provide investment certainty for entrepreneurs during the government transition period.

“The business world supports the stability of the transition of the elected government in order to maintain a conducive business climate so as to provide certainty for business people and investors to run the wheels of the national economy,” he said, through an official statement, (19/08/2024).

Kadin, said Arsjad, is ready to collaborate and support the new ministers and agency heads in carrying out their duties in encouraging national economic growth.

The organization also assesses that the appointment of ministers, deputy ministers, and agency heads is necessary to prepare and support the transition of government to run well, smoothly and effectively.

“We believe that with strong synergy and cooperation between the government and the business world, Indonesia will be more resilient in facing global challenges and continue to work together for an Advanced Indonesia, especially achieving 8% economic growth and the vision of a Golden Indonesia 2045,” he said.

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) today reshuffled four ministers/deputy ministers and three agency heads. Jokowi appointed Supratman Andi Agtas as Minister of Law and Human Rights, replacing Yasonna Laoly.

Jokowi also appointed Bahlil Lahadalia, who previously served as Minister of Investment/BKPM, as Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), replacing Arifin Tasrif.

Furthermore, the former head of the Prabowo-Gibran winning team, Rosan P. Roesla ni, who is also the former Chairman of Kadin, became Minister of Investment/BKPM.

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Jokowi also changed the position of Deputy Minister of Communication and Information, namely Angga Raka Prabowo. Angga added to the Deputy Minister of Communication and Information, which had previously been filled by Nezar Patria.

In addition to the ministerial inauguration, in a different ceremony, Jokowi also appointed Hasan Nasbi as Head of the Presidential Communications Office. Jokowi also inaugurated the Head of the National Nutrition Agency and the new Head of BPOM.

The National Nutrition Agency is a new institution established by Jokowi. This agency is closely related to the free lunch program that became a campaign promise of President and Vice President-Elect Prabowo-Gibran.

Jokowi’s cabinet reshuffle comes close on the heels of his recent decision. Jokowi last reshuffled his cabinet on July 18 when he replaced one deputy minister and added two deputy minister positions.

At that time, Sudaryono was appointed as Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Thomas Djiwandono as Deputy Minister of Finance II, and Yuliot as Deputy Minister of Investment/Deputy Head of the Investment Coordinating Board.

List of Indonesia Maju Cabinet Reshuffle and appointment of new agency heads, Monday (19/08/2024):

Minister of Law and Human Rights: Supratman Andi Agtas
Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources: Bahlil Lahadalia
Minister of Investment/Head of BKPM: Rosan P. Roeslani
Deputy Minister of Communication and Information: Angga Raka Prabowo
Head of BPOM: Taruna Ikrar
Head of the Presidential Communications Office: Hasan Nasbi
Head of National Nutrition Agency: Dadan Hindayana

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