Befuddled Larry Kudlow Rails That Biden Will Force Americans To Guzzle ‘Plant-Based Beer’

Posted By : Telegraf
4 Min Read


Now that Donald Trump’s former economic adviser Larry Kudlow has taken his words of wisdom from the White House to Fox News, he wants the nation to know that President Joe Biden is plotting to force Americans to drink “plant-based beer.”

Egads. Apparently the man who declared COVID-19 “contained close to airtight” before more than 570,000 Americans died is not talking about the beer everyone drinks now. That’s typically made from grains, hops and yeast — and not an ounce of steak. (Additives may include animal products, like gelatin, but beer is definitely plant based.)

The bonkers brewhaha was part of Kudlow’s raging criticism on Fox Business Friday against the proposed Green New Deal, which he claimed would end the country’s consumption of meat, eggs, cheese and dairy. None of that’s true; there’s nothing in the text of the plan that would ban those products. (Check out Kudlow’s rant beginning in the video above at 0:55.)  

Nevertheless, he insisted that Americans would be left to “grill” Brussels spouts on July 4th (which are apparently bad not only because they’re vegetables but also first became popular in Brussels, so not very nativist), and drink that horrible beer. 

“Speaking of stupid,” he begins. “America has to, get this, America has to stop eating meat, stop eating poultry and fish, seafood, eggs, dairy and animal-based fats. Okay, got that? No burgers on July 4th. No steaks on the barbecue … So get ready. You can throw back a plant-based beer with your grilled Brussels sprouts and wave your American flag.”

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Kudlow’s jaw-dropping goof, possibly his most delicious ever, was red meat to critics on Twitter.


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