India is taking apart the Internet

Posted By : Rina Latuperissa
6 Min Read


The world’s largest democracy has an Internet problem. More specifically, it has a problem with censorship on the Internet.

While all eyes have been trained on the far-reaching powers of Silicon Valley Internet giants, the government of Prime Minister Narendra Modi is steadily curbing basic Internet freedoms for India’s more than 1 billion citizens – and delivering a salutary warning to the rest of the world that the connections afforded by digital technology are not to be taken for granted.

The latest salvo in India’s increasing digital authoritarianism is the prospective crackdown on cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin. A bill is soon to go before Parliament proposing to make trading, mining, issuing, transferring or possessing cryptocurrency a criminal offense. Analysts believe the bill will pass into law, which means India would have some of the strictest cryptocurrency laws in the world.

Even China, which prohibits trade in crypto-coins, has not criminalized owning them. If and when the bill passes, Indian citizens will have six months to liquidate their holding or face punishment that could include up to 10 years in jail. 

The cryptocurrency bill is only one element in a flurry of government activity over the past year. With India attracting more investment from foreign technology companies, the government is moving forward with a bill that forces companies to share data with the country or else shut up shop. 


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