Indonesian Prosecutor’s Training Center Officially Recognized as a Professional Certification Institution

Posted By : Idris Daulat
2 Min Read
Badiklat Kejaksaan RI

TELEGRAF — The National Professional Certification Agency (BNSP) has taken a significant step by officially designating the Prosecutor’s Education and Training Center (Badiklat) of the Indonesian Attorney General’s Office (Kejaksaan RI) as a Professional Certification Institution (LSP).

This designation is not merely ceremonial but serves as a concrete testament to the Prosecutor’s Office’s ongoing commitment to enhancing the professionalism of its prosecutors in carrying out their duties.

This momentous occasion coincided with the inauguration of new prosecutors and the closing ceremony of the 81st batch of the Prosecutor Formation Education and Training Program (PPPJ), led by Attorney General Burhanuddin on Monday, September 30, 2024.

During the event, the Chair of BNSP formally handed over the decree to Rudi Margono, the Head of the Prosecutor’s Education and Training Center, in the presence of Attorney General Burhanuddin and Deputy Attorney General Feri Wibisono.

This handover symbolizes the official recognition that the Prosecutor’s Education and Training Center has now transformed into a highly competent LSP, particularly in the area of terrorism-related criminal offenses, which adhere to specialized standards.

This designation is not only a source of pride for the Prosecutor’s Education and Training Center but also serves as proof that the institution is ready to evolve into a learning organization that continuously develops.

With this license, the Prosecutor’s Education and Training Center, located at Campus A Ragunan and Campus B Ceger, is now officially authorized to assess and certify the competence of prosecutors.

This initiative underscores the Prosecutor’s Office’s seriousness in building a competent institution, equipped to face future justice challenges. It is hoped that with this professional certification, law enforcement in Indonesia will become stronger and more integrated.

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