Instagram model’s mind-blowing orgasm claim

Posted By : Rina Latuperissa
3 Min Read


Everyone has a hidden talent, but what if that talent meant you could achieve the ultimate climax just by thinking about it.

Marcela Iglesias, a US-based Instagram model, has revealed that she can achieve an orgasm just by using her mind – without having sex.

The model claims she’s so in-tune with her body she can climax through her own will and firmly believes that it’s way better than having sex or masturbating.

To achieve the ultimate orgasm, Ms Iglesias claims she can “stimulate the pineal gland” which is located in the brain and produces a hormone that helps people control their mood.

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“I’m more like a mind-stimulation person, I don’t need to be touched to feel aroused,” she said. “Ambience is very important but my mind controls the whole situation. I can transfer myself to anywhere that I want.”

Ms Iglesias loves to let her mind and imagination wander when she’s out-and-about near her home in LA.

By immersing herself in different surroundings, she said says she is able to transport to a different scenario in her head.

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Ms Iglesias says ditching alcohol was key to her orgasm success and credits “detoxing” her mind as a way of perfecting the technique.

“I want to be as clean as possible so I can elevate my mind in different situations,” she explained.

“I also always carry electromagnetic (EMF) protection – like crystals or silver protection fabric with me.

“I’ve always been satisfied with my sexuality and had a very open mind but since doing this I can achieve such an incredible orgasm.”

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Despite her tremendous skills, Ms Iglesias revealed that she got the O-shot back in 2019 which helps elevate her orgasms even more.

The O-shot is a drug-free, non-surgical solution that uses the patient’s own platelet-rich plasma (PRP).

The PRP is injected into the area near to the clitoris and upper vagina – the treatment supposedly gives patients a larger libido and stronger orgasms. However there’s very little research and no scientific evidence that proves the claimed effects, Healthline states.

“It definitely feels more sensitive down there, I would recommend it to anyone,” Ms Iglesias said.

“That combined with my imagination and I don’t need to touch myself or have sex to climax.”

Ms Iglesias said that her husband is beyond proud that she is listening to and taking such good care of her body.


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