Nuclear war with Russia or China ‘real possibility’ and US must adapt, admiral warns – World News

Posted By : Telegraf
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A top US military commander has warned of the threat of another Cold War – and even real Nuclear conflict.

Nuclear war with Russia or China is a “real possibility”, Admiral Charles Richard warned.

The head of US Strategic Command, which is responsible for nuclear strike capabilities and missile defence has penned the worrying call to alarm, reports The Times.

The superpowers are challenging global peace again and the US must urgently adapt to cool the threat, according to his analysis published as US President Joe Biden takes the helm.

The Admiral warned in his latest analysis that the Pentagon’s focus on counter-terrorism over the past decades had led it to “ignore” the nuclear threat.

Top US military Admiral Charles Richard
Admiral Charles Richard penned the bleak analysis

According to the newspaper, he wrote: “There is a real possibility that a regional crisis with Russia or China could escalate quickly to a conflict involving nuclear weapons, if they perceived a conventional loss would threaten the regime or state.

“Consequently, the US military must shift its principal assumption from ‘nuclear employment is not possible’ to ‘nuclear employment is a very real possibility’, and act to meet and deter that reality.

“Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Department of Defence has not had to consider the possibility of great power competition, crisis, or direct armed conflict with a nuclear-capable peer. Unfortunately, the current environment no longer affords us that luxury.”

The bleak analysis was published as Biden’s Democrats are pressured to cut back the spending Donald Trump lavished on the military during his time in power.

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Russia’s President Vladimir Putin’s Kremlin is said to be ‘modernising’ its nuclear arsenal

The Trump regime stoked tensions with Beijing during the course of the pandemic.

Trump persistently referred to Covid-19 as the ‘China virus’ following the outbreak’s beginnings in Wuhan.

His regime stopped just shy of backing conspiracy theories that the virus was man-made and had leaked from a Wuhan lab.

Shortly before Biden took power, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo claimed the Department of Defense had evidence Wuhan scientists had fallen ill with symptoms similar to coronavirus in 2019.

He later declassified intelligence which additionally claimed the lab had secret links to the Chinese military.

Chinese President Xi Jinping
Chinese President Xi Jinping

Beijing denies both claims, and says the outbreak began in the Wuhan community.

Biden’s presidency is widely expected to focus on diplomacy efforts, in an effort to stabilise US relationships with key powers weakened during the Trump years.

Richard wrote in his analysis that China could become a “strategic peer” of the US.

But he warned Beijing has been investing in hypersonic and advanced conventional missile systems, along with a nuclear-capable long-range bomber.

The power had been stockpiling nuclear weapons at rate that could “double (if not triple or quadruple) over the next decade,” Richard claimed.

US President Joe Biden
US President Joe Biden

Antony Blinken, Biden’s new secretary of state, announced this week that the US and Russia had extended their New Start Treaty.

The treaty, which will limit the powers’ intercontinental nuclear arsenals for another five years, was criticised by the Trump administration.

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But Richard reportedly wrote in the US Naval Institute journal Proceedings that Vladimir Putin has already been modernising his regime’s nuclear capabilities, and has invested in new firepower.

According to the Times, Richard warns the Kremlin’s investment includes new bombers, intercontinental ballistic missiles, submarine-launched ballistic missiles, and nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarines.

Putin’s regime has also reportedly developed nuclear warning systems and command and control capabilities, as well as hypersonic glide vehicles and nuclear-armed torpedoes.

Richard warns the Kremlin’s investment includes new ballistic missiles
Richard warns the Kremlin’s investment includes new ballistic missiles (illustration)

The warnings on relations with Moscow and Biejing come after Trump dismantled a Nuclear deal with Iran struck up under predecessor Barack Obama’s leadership.

Trump had spent much of his time in office focusing his Nuclear diplomacy efforts on North Korea, staging talks with leader Kim jong-Un.

Iran is pressuring Biden to restore the deal after he vowed to spend his first days in power reversing many of Trump’s policies.

The Trump administration’s assassination of Qasam Solemeini had ignited a period of high tensions between the West and the Gulf power at the beginning of last year.

The Iranian military admitted mistakenly shooting down an Ukrainian Airlines passenger jet over the capital of Tehran, killing all aboard, just days after the top military general was slain.

The events triggered fears of wider conflict, very shortly before the world became consumed by the coronavirus crisis.


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