PDIP Continues to Try to Nominate Anies-Hendi in Jakarta Election

Posted By : Telegraf
3 Min Read
Former Governor of DKI Jakarta, Anies Baswedan. FILE/LP6/Faizal Fanani

Chairman of the DPP of the PDI Perjuangan (PDIP) Said Abdullah claims that his party is still trying to be able to carry candidates in the DKI Jakarta regional head election. This was conveyed even though all other political parties were almost certain to support the Ridwan Kamil-Suswono pair.

According to Said, if he gets a coalition partner, he will carry former presidential candidate in the 2024 Election Anies Baswedan as a candidate for governor and Head of the Indonesian Government Goods/Services Procurement Policy Agency (LKPP) Hendrar Prihadi or Hendi as a vice governor.

“We are working, in such a way, still with other parties as much as possible before the 27th. We are looking for opportunities. If we get the opportunity, we will bring Anies as the first person and Hendi as the second person,” Said said at the Parliament Complex, Monday (19/08/2024).

Said said that PDIP is currently still looking for political parties that want to enter into a coalition with the party bearing the white muzzle bull symbol. It is known that PDIP is currently the only party that is not a member of KIM plus.

“We are looking for it again. The name is business,” he said.

Said said he continues to communicate with Anies to be able to fight in the political contestation in the Jakarta election.

However, if the Anies-Hendi pairing is ultimately difficult to achieve, PDIP will be sincerely to the decision.

“But if in the end we can’t, let’s say KIM plus has been consolidated, we don’t have any friends to go forward, what can we do? We will talk to the people in time, maybe by the Secretary General that PDIP cannot nominate for the upcoming DKI election,” he said.

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It is known, Hendi has actually registered himself through the Central Java PDIP regional leadership council as a Central Java governor for the 2024 election. However, the PDIP DPP has not yet announced recommendations for regional heads, either for the position of governor candidate or vice governor candidate in Central Java. Before becoming the head of LKPP, Hendi was the mayor of Semarang who won after becoming a single candidate defeating an empty box in the 2020 regional head election.


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