Pelvic Floor Strong Reviews- Legit Bladder Repairing Exercises Or a Scam?

Posted By : Rina Latuperissa
21 Min Read


Pelvic Floor Strong is an informational fitness program designed for women. According to its official website, women are most likely to experience pelvic weakness with age, hormonal changes, or childbirth and require help to strengthen their bodies. Although pelvic incontinences are common in both men and women, somehow, women account for more than 80% of the cases. 

This program is designed by Alex Miller, who is a women’s health expert and fitness coach. Her areas of expertise are body toning, prenatal fitness, meditation, postnatal fitness, functional movement, and strength/weight training. Right now, when the world is going through a deadly pandemic and avoiding public exposure is the only way to save yourself from the virus, following a home-based fitness plan is ideal.

(Special Promotion) Click Here to Buy Pelvic Floor Strong by Alex Miller

Pelvic Floor Strong focuses on strong pelvic muscles, allowing the body to gain bladder control. Not many people regard it as a problem, but a weak bladder is something that can make your life a nightmare. No one wants to go through this, and medicines only help to some extent, mainly when an infection is involved. But when there is no bladder infection, and the weaker control is just because of aging or loosening of muscles after delivering a child, medicines can’t make it strong again. It only leaves one option behind, which is to follow specialized exercises, targeting the pelvis. When the body naturally builds muscles, the unintentional bladder leakage can be controlled, saving the person from embarrassment and any medical condition that may show up next.

Alex Miller’s Pelvic Floor Strong has informative and instructional manuals plus video tutorials to teach the user correct postures and exercise plans. Coming from a fitness coach with years-long experience, there are no such reasons to doubt this program. But how to be sure if this program is legit and not a scam? What would it do other than pelvic floor strengthening? Can people from all age groups and fitness levels follow it? Find out all the answers in this Pelvic Floor Strong review. 

Pelvic Floor Strong Review

Urination is a normal body function that removes waste materials from the body. But urinary incontinence or unintentional leakage, on the other side, is not a typical body function. Many times it is a result of an underlying medical condition that increases the urge to urinate. While it is also common with age when the body loses control of the bladder. 

Some of the most common causes of urinary incontinence are;

  • Pregnancy, delivery, or menopause 
  • Diabetes, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s 
  • Urinary tract diseases, surgeries, or cancer
  • Kidney problems and bladder infections

Irrespective of the reason, Pelvic Floor Strong is something that can help every person. 

Pelvic Floor Strong system by Alex Miller is a complete workout and fitness guide for women, helping them gain their strength and stamina back. The effects of aging on the body are normal, but the way it may make a person experience public embarrassment and humiliation for urine leakage requires immediate care. Surprisingly, more than 25 million people in the US spend their whole life with loose pelvis, thinking that urinary leakage is a normal thing that happens with age and not something that requires treatment. If not completely healed, it can be improved or minimal using various approaches, one of which is exercise. 

According to, this program has helped thousands of people worldwide. The Pelvic Floor Strong DVD by Alex Miller focuses on kegel exercises to build pelvic muscles, followed by core exercises and dietary help. Overall, this program explains all techniques that it takes to get better, without even going out to a gym, requiring gym equipment, or hiring a fitness trainer. 

Read the Pelvic Floor Strong Customer reviews 2020 to take an idea about how it may help you this year. Click here to visit the official website. 

How to Know You Have a Weak Pelvic Floor?

Before discussing the program and Pelvic Floor Strong exercises, let’s be clear on what we mean by pelvic floor first. The pelvic floor is the lower part of your abdomen, which supports multiple muscles involved, which control the movement of the uterus, bowel, and bladder in women. When these muscles relax and contract, passing stool, gas, and urine become easy. So any changes to these muscles mean that the body’s ability to pass waste material is compromised. This issue is frustrating, unacceptable by society, and not healthy, which is why finding help in any form becomes necessary. 

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All body muscles lose their strength with age, and certain developmental phases like pregnancy exert extreme pressure on these body parts, affecting their strength. Gradually muscles become weak, and if not treated on time, the situation becomes so much worse that a simple cough or sneezing can release the pelvic muscles, making the bladder leak urine. Running to the bathroom every time is obviously not possible, but Pelvic Floor Strong may help.

This program is a digital video program that educates about the ways to get over pelvic floor issues. It is insane explaining to everyone why your bladder is weak after surgery or delivery, and no medicine can work on muscle strength. The only thing that can help regain muscular control is to follow exercises, controlling the pelvic movements and flexibility altogether.

These videos added in the Pelvic Floor Strong system can be downloaded on any electronic device and viewed later. It is hard to find a program that talks explicitly about pelvis control and strength building. There is no need to try bizarre treatments or surgeries for bladder control when you can get the same without spending hefty money or risking your health with some simple exercises.

Click Here to Buy Pelvic Floor Strong System for Lowest Price Online

How Does Pelvic Floor Strong Help?

The first thing that this program offers is understanding the problem and identifying the reason behind it. Once the issue is clear, finding help becomes easy because if there is a medical condition involved, exercises alone will not help, and the person would need medical assistance to get over urinary incontinence. 

Many times the reason is ‘Layered syndrome,’ which may cause lower body pain, discomfort, cramps, and mental stress. Also sometimes called crossed syndrome, the layered syndrome results from bad body postures, which, if combined with age or childbirth, may cause extreme discomfort and pain. 

The Pelvic Floor Strong system uses a three-step movement-based program, which gradually saves a person from wearing adult diapers or using the bathroom frequently. It even lowers the chances of risky and expensive surgeries to repair the damages on the pelvic floor. These movements are thoroughly explained in multiple video demonstrations as well as written directions. Typically, the body shows poor core strength by three major signs.

  • Pelvic prolapse 
  • Bulging belly 
  • Urinary leakage 

While working on pelvic muscles, the program also helps build strong core muscles so that the overall progress can be maximized. But if a person is on medication recommended by a doctor, it is not safe to switch to exercise without discussing it with him. Others who have no medical issues to explain weak pelvic can try these exercises and diet plans without worrying about anything.

Click Here to Know the Benefits of Exercises Inside Pelvic Floor Strong by Alex Miller

What is Included in the Pelvic Floor Strong Program?

This program contains various readable guides, video series, DVDs, and much more. The purpose of adding different types of materials inside the Pelvic Floor Strong program is to make sure that every user understands it correctly. 

Here is what you would find in the Pelvic Floor Strong program

  • Pelvic Floor Strong: Informational Video

The first thing is an information video introducing the product, teaching how simple exercises can help build core muscles around the bladder. This whole program is based on actual scientific data supporting how exercise may change pelvic muscle power. This video has various pieces, each one of which makes one chapter. 

After introducing the program in the first chapter, the second chapter talks about specific types of exercises called Kegel exercises to train the muscles. In the following chapters, the followers know about correct postures to perform these exercises and why activating all muscles is necessary even if they don’t use them. This total body activation also tones the curves, making the person lose extra weight and get into a great shape. 

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The next chapters explain the movements and exercise plans that engage both pelvic and core muscles together. These exercises are simple and easy to follow even if you have left exercising long ago. 

  • Pelvic Floor Strong: Informational Manual

It is the instruction manual that comes with the Pelvic Floor Strong program. It talks about a special plan called “Total Core & Pelvic Floor Repair Method.” It is more or less the same information as shared by the video series, but some people prefer reading to watching videos which is why the readable manual is added to the program. 

  • Flat Belly Fast: 10 Minute Quick Start Video

This is an additional feature that is only 10 mins long. It explains the best exercises for the belly that burn stubborn fat and make weight loss easy. Most people with poor pelvic strength also experience fat accumulation around the belly; hence following an approach that works on both of these issues is an idea. These exercises, plus the Kegel exercises for pelvis strength, help losing stomach fat within weeks. Most of the Pelvic Floor Strong program is explained through video and reading the manual. These extra parts improve the effects of exercises explained earlier. 

  • Flat Belly Fast: Exercise Manual

The is an additional manual for all users explaining how to get a flat belly without doing anything extra. The real price of this guide is $17.00, but it is free with the Pelvic Floor Strong program. 

  • A Diastasis Recti Improvement Checklist

The Pelvic Floor Strong program also provides a checklist to all its users, helping them see their progress and compare the before and after results. Unlike other performance trackers that indicate the progress through certain milestones, it shows the true picture of all changes taking place inside the body with the help of exercise.  

Where to Buy Pelvic Floor Strong?

If you are convinced to give it a try, here is what you need to know. 

Pelvic Floor Strong is available online for $37.00 only. It is a digital product, so you don’t have to find it at any local store. It is better to buy it from its official website only and not from any unauthorized source. If you want Pelvic Floor Strong DVDs, you can pay $9.97 extra for shipping and get them delivered at your doorstep.

Click Here to Buy Pelvic Floor Strong by Alex Miller Online for a Discounted Price

All Pelvic Floor Strong customers will get three bonus items with their purchases; here is brief information about these gifts.

Bonus no. 1- Pelvic Floor Strong Total Core & Pelvic Repair Method Information Handbook & Diastasis Recti Improvement Checklist

This is a guidebook of the video that is already a part of the Pelvic Floor Strong program. Having all this information in the written form is easier for people who find written materials better to understand and follow. All others can read and watch the video at the same time for complete understanding. 

Bonus no. 2- Flat Belly Fast Exercise Manual & 10-Minute Quick Start Routine

This is a complete guide on losing belly fat and building strong belly muscles without spending any more money. Alex has explained the best exercises for abs that are easy to do within the comfort of home and do not require any additional materials. 

Bonus no. 3- Back to Life, 3 Stretch Pain-Free Video

The last gift is a guide by Emily Lark, a medical professional helping patients manage poor bladder control. This guide is a series of many videos addressing the issue of urinary leakage and how to improve it through lifestyle changes. 

All users will get immediate access to these bonus materials after confirming their order and making the payment. It is best to place the order through the official website only and not trust any random link. Based on personal preference, you may also request a physical package from the customer service. For more details, visit the official website today.

Pelvic Floor Strong Refund Policy 

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Alex encourages all women suffering from a weaker pelvic floor to try this program. There are no risks involved; either they will see an improvement in their overall health, bladder control, and strength, or they can get their money back.

All orders of Pelvic Floor Strong come with a 60-day money-back offer. At any point of this time, if a user feels that he is not getting any benefit, she can request a refund. The company will ask no questions, and the money reversal will start right away. 

Make sure to order the Pelvic Floor Strong program from its official website; otherwise, the company has a full right to reject your refund request. 

Final Words on Alex Miller’s Pelvic Floor Strong

The pelvic Floor Strong system is a core and pelvic muscle strengthening program that helps a user avoid urinary incontinence during movement, sneezing, or coughing. It targets exercises, mainly core building and kegel exercises, to build strong muscles and maintain a healthy weight. 

According to Alex Miller, the creator of Pelvic Floor Strong, it is best for women in their late middle ages who experience poor bladder control after delivery/deliveries. The best part is that Pelvic Floor Strong requires no extra charges, time, or effort. All it needs is a few minutes of your daily life. You don’t even need any exercise equipment or stepping out of the house. 

Every order comes with some bonus products and a money-back guarantee protecting the money spent on its purchase. It is to make sure that no person loses his or her hard-earned money spent on Pelvic Floor Strong after finding it unhelpful. Those who aren’t satisfied with this fitness program can sign up for a refund within 60 days of purchase. 

For $37.00 only, this program is a real steal. Besides, it is much better than taking supplements or surgery, both of which can be extremely risky. Don’t think anymore, and get ready to start your fitness journey with Pelvic Floor Strong. Visit the official website to confirm your order.  

Frequently Asked Questions About Pelvic Floor Strong 

  • What do you mean by diastasis recti?

Diastasis recti is a common post-delivery condition that makes space for extra fat on the belly. This type of fat is different from obesity and only hits women after childbirth. Although most women get rid of this fat on their own, the body doesn’t completely heal, making it a permanent part of the body. The only way to get rid of this fat is by exercise and mindful eating.

  • How much time does the Pelvic Floor Strong need?

Unlike other fitness programs, Pelvic Floor Strong takes only 10 minutes of your life. The exercises that are a part of this program are easy to follow and don’t require any equipment. Even those who have left the gym long ago can also follow these exercises without a problem. 

  • Who should ideally use Pelvic Floor Strong?

Pelvic Floor Strong is ideally designed for 35-40 years old women who are experiencing aging, slow metabolism, and post-childbirth complications, i.e., weak bladder control. It is even helpful for women who have given birth more than ten years ago.  

  • Can you follow Pelvic Floor Strong after a C-section?

Yes, there are no issues in performing these exercises, even if you had a c-section. However, it is not recommended to exercise for a few months after the surgery. The body needs a healing time, and without complete recovery, no exercise is recommended. For more details, contact your doctor. 

  • Can women with no children follow it?

Pelvic Floor Strong is equally helpful for all women. A weak bladder is commonly associated with pregnancy, but it is not the only reason behind urinary incontinence. Many times other issues can also make the bladder leak. Hence these exercises are helpful for everyone with or without a delivery in the past. 

  • How to contact the customer support line?

Pelvic Floor Strong has an active customer support line that can be contacted through email or phone. Give them a phone call at (1-800-390-6035) or email them at for more details.


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Pelvic Floor Strong Reviews- Legit Bladder Repairing Exercises Or a Scam?


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