Rare moon will make these star signs ‘crazier than usual’

Posted By : Rina Latuperissa
6 Min Read


Have you ever heard of the saying – Mercury is in retrograde? Well, not only will it be happening next week, but May 26 also marks a supermoon and total lunar eclipse.

And all three combined will pose a “tremendous amount of emotion” for every star sign – in particular the three fire signs, Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.

Supermoons are rare enough, but the rarer combination of a supermoon and a total lunar eclipse is why this event is called a Super Blood Moon.

It is visually breathtaking, with a spectacular reddish hue up above when the earth casts its shadow across the moon during its eclipse phase.

However, it’s also a time we need to be very mindful of our emotions, Australia’s intuitive astrologer and spiritual adviser Rose Smith tells news.com.au

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“Full moons ordinarily can bring out the ‘crazy’ in people, but we can expect people doing crazier things than usual — and this can be attributed to pent up emotional tension,” she says.

“People should be trying to release this tension around the Super Blood Moon in healthy ways, sitting with their feelings and endeavouring not to deny them.

“Especially women, generally speaking, traditionally we hold in emotion and make excuses for other people.”

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Fire signs to experience ‘tremendous emotion’

Ms Smith said the lunar phenomena would also have some special flow on effects for certain star signs.

“As the total lunar eclipse and Blood Super Moon are in Sagittarius, it could be a particularly emotional time for fire signs Aries, Leo and Sagittarius,” Ms Smith says.

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“Fire signs are going to be more affected than rest of us, but we will all be affected in some way.”

She said fire signs usually have very firey emotions and because Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, Jupiter wants to be free, expand, grow and explore, and won’t let anything get in its way.

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Expect relationship drama

“There’s going to be a great push for Sagittarians and other fire signs to get rid of toxic situations and relationships,” Ms Smith told news.com.au

“A lot of relationships are going to break-up in this period – all signs, everybody will be affected – but fire signs will bear the brunt of it.”

Ms Smith said you will find the that the side of you that doesn’t want to be in the relationship “pop out”, adding that people need to take a deep breathe and try to think before they speak.

“Because there is going to be a lot of logical consequences to actions,” she said.

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“On the other hand, water signs Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are looking fortunate, with more balance coming into their lives. They could be feeling divinely inspired (see full breakdown below),” Ms Smith explained

“Depending what house your star sign is in, behaviours, arguments, past traumas – may all come to the forefront. It’s a time to deal with issues but be mindful of channelling them in a healthy and appropriate way.”

‘Triple threat’

The lunar eclipse will occur during the full moon on May 26, and it will be the first total lunar eclipse since January 2019.

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It happens when the moon is fully obscured by earth’s shadow, giving it a reddish hue.

The Super Blood Moon event is also known as the Full Flower Moon due to flowers blooming around this time in America.

Ms Smith said there are other astrological influences to consider moving into June, with Mercury being in retrograde from May 29 to June 22 and a solar eclipse on June 10. Additionally, planets Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune are also going into retrograde.

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What is Mercury in retrograde and the star signs affected

“Mercury retrogrades are about miscommunications and misunderstandings in relationships and problems with technology – so back up your devices for one,” Ms Smith advises.

“Relationships can also be tested – treat each situation anew. Don’t let the weight of previous relationships overly influence you, thinking you know what the other person is going to do or say. It’s important to give the other person room to move.

“There’s also a strong possibility of travel and scheduling issues. Signing contracts and making important decisions now can mean they have to been changed at a later date.”

Ms Smith said the solar eclipse in Gemini – which is an air sign – is all about masculine principles.

“Women have inner masculine forces and it’s time to be more proactive, independent and externally focused so they can get more of what they want in the world,” Ms Smith said.

Star signs most affected by Mercury retrograde will be Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.

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Ms Smith said they will need to have a good handle on their emotions.


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