Revealed! The best interior design for your star sign 

Posted By : Telegraf
13 Min Read


From a minimalistic Virgo who favours ‘clean lines’ and neutrality, to bold colours for cheerful Geminis, experts have revealed how you should decorate your home based on your star sign.  

UK-based Hammonds Furniture have teamed with astrologer Bex Milford to explain how each star sign has specific personality traits that make certain interior design trends and aesthetics more suitable than others.  

Specialists then created visualisations of these suggestions to help people looking to find an interior style that suits them. 

A Cancer, for example, is famously nostalgic and is likely to have a lot of antiques and photographs everywhere so may opt for a shabby-chic interior, while a confident Leo isn’t afraid to make a statement with gold detailing and crushed velvet and so should aim for Hollywood glam.

ARIES: March 21 – April 19

Best trend: Modern (but with a bold, statement wall)

Revealed! The best interior design for your star sign 

A passionate and pioneering Aries should opt for a old streak when it comes to their design preferences and would appreciate mood lighting (pictured)

As the pioneering first sign of the zodiac, you can expect Aries to incorporate a bold streak when it comes to their design preferences. 

Generally Aries will prefer to keep things minimalistic and clutter free. A chic black and white base with a statement wall of fire-engine red, crimson or hot pink will appeal to their fire-sign nature.

An industrial style room works perfectly for Aries as this such favours textures such as brushed metal, steel and even exposed concrete. 

Aries are one of the most passionate signs of the zodiac, so a need for mood lighting is a must, this is the sign that will appreciate a dimmer switch! 

TAURUS: April 20 – May 20

Best trend: Cottage-core (but with a hint of luxury)

The comfort-loving Taurus prefers a traditional aesthetic rather than a modern or minimalist interior but also appreciates the finer things in life (pictured)

The comfort-loving Taurus prefers a traditional aesthetic rather than a modern or minimalist interior but also appreciates the finer things in life (pictured)

Taurus is the sign of the boujee, comfort-loving bull that exalts in nature but also has a deep appreciation for the finer things in life. 

Soft throws, plump cushions, thick sheepskin rugs, and materials of velvet and silk are the way to go for this sign. They tend to opt for paler woods like birch and oak, and generally suit pastel shades such as blush pink, pale sage and light turquoise. They are also often partial to floral patterns.

Natural light is important to Taurus, and so they are drawn to big windows, preferably with a view of the garden. This sign prefers a traditional aesthetic rather than a modern or minimalist interior. 

They are very scent-driven so you can expect scented candles and fresh flowers throughout their room. 

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GEMINI: May 21 – June 20

Style: Mid-century modern

A cheerful Gemini is attracted to bright and bold colours, along with light blues and patterns that focus on lines (pictured)

A cheerful Gemini is attracted to bright and bold colours, along with light blues and patterns that focus on lines (pictured)

Curious and cheerful, Geminis are known for their eclectic taste and enjoyment of bright colours. 

This is a sign that will love to experiment with more daring shades such as yellow, this could be in the form of a sunflower yellow statement wall, a mustard headboard, or simply splashes of buttercup yellow throughout.

This sign also enjoys light blues and patterns that focus on lines. Linen is a fabric they’ll be attracted to, and lighter airier fabrics, especially floor length curtains in a more diaphanous material. 

Their style is contemporary and fashionable with a bit of quirkiness thrown in. Statement standing lamps are also a plus for this sign. 

CANCER: June 21 – July 22

Style: Shabby-chic 

The nostalgic Cancer are likely to decorate their room with big antique mirrors, old chests from charity shops, and huge wardrobes

The nostalgic Cancer are likely to decorate their room with big antique mirrors, old chests from charity shops, and huge wardrobes

This sign is likely to have a lot of antiques, knick-knacks, and photographs everywhere – Cancers are famously nostalgic.

Big antique mirrors, old chests from charity shops, and huge wardrobes are staples you may find in a Cancer’s bedroom. They tend to favour a neutral colour palette as they love white, pearly hues, and soft pastels. 

Texture wise, this sign prefers flowing fabrics such as silk, and silver is their chosen metal.

Cocoon lighting and anything that casts a soft beam and will make the space feel nurturing and private is key for a Cancer as they dislike any harsh, garish, or overly bright lighting. 

LEO: July 23 – August 22

Style: Hollywood glam 

Daring Leos aren't afraid to make a statement with gold detailing and crushed velvet (pictured)

Daring Leos aren’t afraid to make a statement with gold detailing and crushed velvet (pictured)

Confident, daring Leos aren’t afraid to be the centre of attention – and this includes in their home! They like to make a statement and even go as far as create a palatial residence that they can show off at their many parties. Statement wallpaper, gold detailing and crushed velvet will all do the trick.

Colour-wise, you can expect Leo’s to have at least some hint of royal blue, crimson, or other jewel tones. 

They love rose gold and creating atmosphere with spotlight lighting, a dramatic light fixture will be right up their street. 

VIRGO: August 23 – September 22

Style: Scandinavian 

Virgos prefer to keep things simple and chic, this sign loves clean lines, minimal fuss, and neutrality. They’re not a fan of clutter so they appreciate clever compartments and storage ideas in their rooms. 

They like objects and furniture that is simplistic in design but exquisitely made. They’re also partial to upcycling and breathing new life into what might have been considered defunct.

This sign may opt for some splashes of colour in the form of dark green, tan and brown, or incorporated smaller patterns such as checks. 

LIBRA: September 23 – October 22

Style: Regency 

A Libra is concerned with balance, harmony, beauty, and art and tend to prefer fabrics such as cotton and linen (pictured)

A Libra is concerned with balance, harmony, beauty, and art and tend to prefer fabrics such as cotton and linen (pictured)

Ruled by Venus, Libra is concerned with balance, harmony, beauty, and art. Think Regency-romantic meets Greek elegance.

Cotton and linen are their preferred fabrics, and gold will be their go-to metal. Colour-palette wise they like soft pinks, pastel purple, and light green. 

Anything they consider too ‘tacky’ or brash will put them off, and they won’t enjoy gaudiness. Soft lightning, plenty of candles and fresh orchids will also be enjoyed by Librans. 

SCORPIO: October 23 – November 21

Style: Japandi (but bolder, with red included) 

A dramatic Scorpio often contrasts deep shades with clean white dashes of deep red (pictured)

A dramatic Scorpio often contrasts deep shades with clean white dashes of deep red (pictured)

A sign with a flair for the dramatic, Scorpio will favour a bit of black (or very deep brown). They like to make a statement by contrasting these deep shades with clean white and dashes of deep red.

As for materials, Scorpio like velour, brushed silk and either very dark wood or extremely pale to create strong contrast. This sign like strong lines interspersed with crescent shapes. 

Scorpios prefer a paired back and clean aesthetic, Japanese interior design works well for them. 

SAGITTARIUS: November 22 – December 21

Style: Maximalism

The adventure-loving Sagittarius isn't afraid to experiment with colours or abstract patterns (pictured)

The adventure-loving Sagittarius isn’t afraid to experiment with colours or abstract patterns (pictured)

The wandering adventure-lover of the zodiac, Sagittarius will bring their eclectic tastes into their home. 

Their styling will indicate the various cultures and lands they have immersed themselves in, framed maps, and exotic touches may be found in their rooms. They may mix things up with Moroccan rugs, mosaic tiles, bamboo and leather.

Colour-wise, they aren’t afraid to experiment with royal purple, deep blue and raspberry, they’re also happy to play with clashing and abstract patterns. Innovative and unusual lightning can be expected from this sign. 

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CAPRICORN: December 22 – January 19

Style: Rustic 

Capricorn's have an appreciation of form and structure and tend to opt for sage greens with hints of dark earthy browns and greys (pictured)

Capricorn’s have an appreciation of form and structure and tend to opt for sage greens with hints of dark earthy browns and greys (pictured)

Earth-sign Capricorn predominately has a love of natural materials. Their rooms tend to feature exposed stone, dark woods like walnut or petrified woods, and always an abundance of plants.  

They also have an appreciation of form and structure. Sage greens with hints of dark earthy browns and greys will appeal to them. 

Their furniture can expect to be made from natural materials too – woods over metals, with linens and cotton over synthetic fabrics. 

Natural light is essential for these signs, so floor to ceiling windows is the way to go for them. 

AQUARIUS: January 20 – February 18

Style: Tropical

Freedom-loving Aquarius tends to set their own trends by mixing the modern with the old in an eclectic mix (pictured)

Freedom-loving Aquarius tends to set their own trends by mixing the modern with the old in an eclectic mix (pictured)

Trend-setting Aquarius tends to mix the modern with the old in an eclectic mix that represents their love of freedom. This sign will not follow a design ‘brief’ too closely – they will want to be creative and put their stamp on a theme. 

They like to go bold with their colours – electric blue, aquamarine and turquoise might all be found in an Aquarians bedroom, with flashes of vibrant colour and neon.

They like lots of natural materials, even incorporating glass and feathers into their style, plenty of natural light is also important to them. They also like to up-cycle and may end up designing and even creating a lot of their furniture themselves. 

PISCES: February 19 – March 20

Style: Coastal/beachy 

Meanwhile the romantic Pisces loves things to be a mix between bohemian and cosmopolitan (pictured)

Meanwhile the romantic Pisces loves things to be a mix between bohemian and cosmopolitan (pictured)

The water-loving sign of Pisces is the romantic creative of the zodiac and loves things to be a mix between bohemian and cosmopolitan. 

They can’t be pinned down and so their style will range far and wide, but one thing they will like is a link to the ocean. 

They prefer flowing fabrics over hard edges, opting for silks and marble, as well as distressed white wood and driftwood-effect furniture.

Pisces will go for a pallet of lavender, grey, grey blue and pale blue. They also have an enjoyment of finding special pieces in charity shops – from a beautiful dresser they can paint white, or a floor length mirror that can be placed strategically to reflect lots of natural light.    


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