
I’m USA TODAY editor-in-chief Nicole Carroll, and this is The Backstory, insights into our biggest stories of the week. If you’d like to get The Backstory in your inbox every week, sign up here.
In his first week, President Joe Biden signed more than 30 executive orders overturning Donald Trump’s policies and ramping up the country’s COVID-19 response. As he rolls out his team and priorities, here’s how USA TODAY will cover him. Aggressively.
We’ve got a team of seven reporters assigned to the Biden/Harris administration, each with areas of expertise. Michael Collins will focus on the economy. Courtney Subramanianwill watchdog the COVID-19 response. Rebecca Morin will follow immigration policy. Joey Garrison will examine how the administration interacts with state and local governments. Maureen Groppe will focus on health care. Deborah Berry will write on racial equality. And Matthew Brown will bulldog breaking news.
What they all have in common is a desire to hold the powerful accountable and empower our readers with the news and information they need to better their lives and their communities.
“I want to tell Americans how the decisions that are being made in Washington are directly impacting their lives,” Collins said. “The COVID-19 pandemic has been devastating for many American families, yet others are doing well in spite of this public health crisis. That just underscores what the experts have been telling us for a long time about the wealth disparity in this country. That means getting beyond what we’re hearing from the administration and talking to people who are struggling economically.”
Morin will be tracking Biden on his promise of getting comprehensive immigration reform passed. And, “accountability can’t happen if I don’t know what concerns real life people have.” She’ll also report on how Biden’s policies impact immigrant communities.
The most urgent of Biden’s promises is leading the country out of the pandemic. Almost half of his orders so far have focused on the coronavirus: ramping up vaccine distribution and public health supplies, expanding testing and safely reopening schools.
“The president himself has pointed out the death toll could top 500,000 by the end of next month,” Subramanian said. “It’s a challenge that’s illuminated federal bureaucratic failures, logistical challenges of coordinating a national response and years of a largely underfunded and understaffed public health system.
“The tension between the Biden administration’s ambitious plan and the grim reality of the pandemic is colliding at a time when urgency is critical. The pandemic response is a daunting task but one that will define Biden’s legacy and determine whether he’ll be able to achieve other aspects of his agenda.”
Groppe said Biden has promised to be fully transparent about his team’s success and failure.
“It’s up to the media to hold him to that,” she said. “We’ll be watching to gauge what he accomplishes and whether more could be done to not just return to normalcy, but to ‘build back better’ as he pledged.”
Groppe has spent the past four years covering Vice President Mike Pence and second lady Karen Pence. So she’s also eager to see how Vice President Kamala Harris and second gentleman Doug Emhoff approach their positions.
“Harris, of course, is the first woman – and first woman of color – to be vice president. Biden, who presented himself during the campaign as a bridge to the next generation of leaders, appears to be more comfortable sharing the spotlight with her than Trump was with Pence,” she said. “But she still has a tricky position to manage as both a supporting character and as someone who wants to become the first female president.”
Garrison will be reporting on the challenges city and state governments face navigating tough budgets due to the pandemic and their uphill work to vaccinate their citizens.
“Biden is pushing a national strategy to fight the COVID-19 pandemic – a departure from Trump, who largely left the responsibility of vaccination plans and purchasing medical equipment up to states,” Garrison said. “Will governors and mayors see those changes at the ground-level? My reporting will answer that question.”
Berry will cover voting rights, civil rights, disparities and inequity.
“Biden and Harris campaigned on those issues and many civil rights leaders and voting rights advocates said they are going to hold them accountable,” she said.
“Most of this isn’t new. So I hope to team up with my colleagues to keep an eye on their proposals and policies and let readers know if they are working.”
And let’s talk about the question we get most often. Will we cover Biden and Harris as aggressively as we did Trump and Pence? Absolutely.
“I approach this assignment the same way I did when Donald Trump was in office: to ferret out the truth,” Collins said. “That means asking hard questions, demanding answers and digging deeper. Joe Biden doesn’t hold the kind of contempt for the free press that Trump did. But, as reporters, we can’t let the fact that there’s a friendlier face in the White House keep us from holding the new administration accountable.”
Subramanian says she’s hoping for less whiplash than during the Trump years and spending more time on how Biden will reshape government after four tumultuous years.
“The Biden administration came to power on the promise of healing a nation in mourning,” she said. “Holding them to their promises, explaining the implications of their policies and telling the stories of who those policies affect will be critical to covering this White House.”
Brown said he expects the Biden administration to run a much tighter ship than the Trump White House when it comes to leaks. Referring to the palace intrigue often served up to reporters during the Trump era, Brown said he’s expecting more “difficulty sourcing up in a White House where everyone is not trying to knife fight each other.” He said he thinks there will be more of a “united front” in the Biden White House, and that will present its own challenges.
Our White House reporters aren’t the only ones covering the nation’s big issues. They will link up with teams assigned to Congress and key government departments, as well as with USA TODAY journalists and local reporters in 260-plus newsrooms nationwide who have expertise on issues such as extremism and misinformation, social justice and climate change, health care and education.
Caren Bohan is our Washington editor and deputy Washington bureau chief. She’ll be overseeing this coverage. Her promise:Â “Our role as journalists is to be watchdogs for government. That’s true of how we’ll cover the Biden administration and it was true of how we covered Trump.
“Our audience expects nothing less.”
We ask you to hold us to this.
Nicole Carroll is the editor-in-chief of USA TODAY. Reach her at EIC@usatoday.com or follow her on Twitter here. Thank you for supporting our journalism. You can subscribe to our print edition, ad-free experience or electronic newspaper replica here.Â