Vigorous debate over caravan’s colour

Posted By : Rina Latuperissa
5 Min Read


A retro caravan is going viral on social media after the colour of its two-tone exterior sparked vigorous debate.

Melbourne man Spencer Porter bought the 1970s Viscount caravan to renovate and take his family on holidays around Victoria.

But, the dad of two had no idea the caravan’s colour was already the subject of a massive debate.

Mr Porter, 21, told his first argument about the colour of the caravan was with his partner when they bought the fixer-upper.

“I said, ‘oh that’s a really nice white and blue caravan’ and then my partner said, ‘no it’s pink and white’, so we had a little argument there,” he said.

“Then we showed the in-laws and they saw something different too, so we quickly realised everyone had a different perspective as to what it was.”

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Caravan’s ‘bizarre’ illusion explodes on Tik Tok

Mr Porter said he started a Tik Tok page to document his renovation journey but had no idea the conversation around the caravan’s colour would see the account explode.

The Tik Tok page – RetroViscountReno – has barely been live for two days but the handful of videos have already been viewed collectively around one million times.

More than 11,000 people have also followed the account.

Mr Porter said despite the debate, the previous owner revealed the caravan was in fact white and green – but both he and Mr Porter realised not everyone’s brains were able to see that.

“It‘s just bizarre,” Mr Porter said.

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“But, at the end of day, the bare bones colour is white and green.

“(The previous owner) painted the optical illusion by accident because he didn’t like the previous colour. It used to be cream so he wanted to paint it so it would stand out.”

Mr Porter said even he sees various colours, “depending on how the light hits it”.

“Even though I know it’s white and green, I still see white and blue and I haven’t been able to see the pink and white, like my partner did,’ he said.

Mr Porter hopes to have the caravan renovated and ready to be on the road by the end of the year so he can take his family away to Mallacoota, on the east coast of Victoria.

The dad of two said he had no plans of painting over the two-tone illusion and said he was looking forward to the caravan sparking conversation when the family is on the road.

Tik Tok usually starts paying creators after they hit around 100,000 followers and while Mr Porter still has a while to go to make money out of the account, he said that wasn’t the point.

“It’s really just started as a hobby for people to follow my renovation and it’s more special to me than making money,” he said.

“It’s an ongoing project.

“We’re going to try and restore it rather than gut it completely because of its retro features and history.”

The caravan’s illusion has drawn debate similar to ‘The Dress’ debacle in 2015 when a photo of a dress was posted online.

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Some saw white and gold while others saw blue and black.

Caitlin McNeill, a Scottish singer, originally posted the picture online after her friend saw different colours in the photo.

A woman named Cecilia Bleasdale had picked up the garment from Roman Originals for a wedding and sent a picture of the dress to her daughter Grace.

Experts later explained why everyone was seeing different colours – it was due to the way the light hit it.


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