What would YOU change about your partner? Wives list their pet peeves – from putting empty milk cartons back in the fridge to loud nose blowing and making a whole pot of tea for just one cupÂ
- British woman asked Mumsnet users what they would change about their spouse
- Among pet peeves is husband not emptying his pockets before washing clothes
- Responses added snoring, reluctance to spent money and failing to do choresÂ
While many of us are willing to compromise in relationships, this thread will make you think twice about the small annoying things your partner is guilty of doing – because they might eventually become unbearable.Â
Posting anonymously on UK-based forum Mumsnet, women have vented pet peeves about their partners, from not knowing how to iron clothes to snoring loudly.Â
The thread began after a woman admitted she has a list of small things she would change about her husband, including emptying pockets before clothes go in the wash.Â
Others were quick to share their pet peeves, from putting empty bottles back on the bathroom shelf rather than the recycling, to leaving a single sheet of toilet paper on the roll and not loading the dishwasher properly. Â

An anonymous woman, who lives in the UK, sparked a thread about small things spouses do that can be annoying (file image)Â

Posting on Mumsnet, the woman revealed how she would change her husband, including getting him to stop buying stuff on their shared laptopÂ
One woman began the discussion, saying: ‘This is not meant to be super serious. I’ve been reading/trying this tiny habits book/approach. I find it helpful and was thinking about changes that my husband could make.
‘The changes I’d make: Ensure empty pockets before putting on the washing machine, lock the door when you go out of the house and don’t use the shared laptop when searching/buying stuff online, we can all see it!’Â
A flood of responses to the post vented frustration about the amount of noise their partner makes.
Another said: Blow your noise more quietly. For the love of god. It’s the first sound I hear every morning. A massively exuberant hoot. It is so annoying’
‘Noisy eating, stop bloody slurping,’ a third added. Â

A stream of responses to the thread admitted they don’t like some noises their spouse makes, including snoring and chewing loudly
Others vented frustrations about the mess made by their partners, with one writing:Â ‘Get rid of about 2/3 of his stuff. He has loads and it would just be so much more comfortable and tidy if he had less.Â
‘Tidy up after himself when he cooks. I don’t mind loading the dishwasher, but when I cook I clear up as I go along. He never, ever does.’
Another said: ‘I’d like him to stop deliberately leaving one individual sheet of loo paper on the roll so he can avoid replacing it. He’s pretty amazing but that does annoy me.’
A third wrote: ‘Learn to load the dishwasher. How can a man who runs a successful business just not grasp that water needs to be able to get around what you put in there.’Â
Other bugbears included a failure to close drawers and putting dirty laundry on top of the basket or on the floor rather than in the bin, while one was irritated by her husband making a whole pot of tea and only drinking a cup.Â
Meanwhile, mutiple posters said they wished their husband would spend even just a few seconds looking for something before turning to them to ask where it is. Â

Other responses to the thread complained that their partner doesn’t help with household chores
A very disgruntled wife let loose with a stream of complaints, saying: ‘Stop eating like a pig chewing bones it’s absolutely gross. Tidy up after yourself/kids.Â
‘Do housework. Do washing. Learn to iron. Learn to cook including making your own lunch. Be thoughtful of my feelings at least once a week.Â
‘Have another goal in life other than sitting in front of the TV. Take me out and actually talk to me (none covid times). Oh and like other poster, grow a couple of inches and add some girth’
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