Women share their incredible secret to radiant skin and even pigmentation

Posted By : Telegraf
11 Min Read


Women have shared incredible before and after photos of their skin transformations after discovering the secret to banishing unwanted pigmentation.

The photos were posted on Instagram and show the effects of using a prescription-based skincare over five and six months.

The skincare, known as ‘The Secret’ was developed by two doctors in Perth, Western Australia, and is available by prescription through their website. 

Women share their incredible secret to radiant skin and even pigmentation

Women have shared incredible before and after photos showing off their skin transformations and newly-acquired perfect complexions after discovering the secret to banishing unwanted pigmentation

The photos were posted on Instagram and show the effects of using a prescription-based skincare over five and six months

The photos were posted on Instagram and show the effects of using a prescription-based skincare over five and six months

The photos show women who saw a huge improvement after using the products.

‘I can’t thank you enough for results that are so amazingly evident and truly so simple. I have been using your skincare for six months now. I noticed results only after three weeks,’ one woman said.

She went on to explain that before discovering the range she had wanted to get her pigmentation ‘lasered off’.

‘To have skincare as simple as one cream at night (not a multiple serum and cream process) that has reduced the pigmentation to almost nothing is truly amazing,’ she wrote on her review.

Another before and after picture was posted by the company after the received the photos from a happy customer.

‘A visual representation of what we mean when we say, ‘baby skin cells’,’ they wrote beneath the picture which shows a woman with newly-glowing skin.

‘You might’ve heard us use this term before when explaining the process of skin cell turnover. 

‘The process of removing dead or damaged cells from the surface of your complexion and sub-sequentially replacing them with smoother, clearer and softer skin cells,’ the explained.

In her review the woman said she had used the creams for five months and was ‘over the moon with the results’.

‘My skin’s texture and tone have greatly improved, along with a significant reduction in pigmentation,’ she said, however the photo shows the huge change.

And the pictures had women looking for a new skincare regime ‘sold’.

The incredible photos show women who saw a huge improvement after using the products

The incredible photos show women who saw a huge improvement after using the products

Hundreds of women commented on the photos and admitted they were amazed by the results.  

GP Dr Deb Cohen-Jones and Dr Clara Hurst a specialist in anti-wrinkle and facial sculpting treatments developed the skincare products together – after realising the huge difference medical-grade ingredients made to their own skin and how hard it is for everyday Australians to access.

Speaking with Daily Mail Australia the women who have both suffered from different conditions said you don’t need ‘bad skin’ to benefit from their product, which they have called ‘The Secret‘.

Nedra Vanden Driesen, a medical practitioner who suffered from melasma as a side effect of breast cancer treatment and surgeries

At the end of her first course with The Secret she said 'I hadn't looked at myself in years, now I see me again'

Nedra Vanden Driesen, a medical practitioner who suffered from melasma as a side effect of breast cancer treatment and surgeries. At the end of her first course with The Secret she said ‘I hadn’t looked at myself in years, now I see me again’

‘You don’t have to have bad skin – though we do treat a range of conditions – only prescription skincare can give you the secret glow – it is not possible without it,’ they said.

The ‘glow’ is similar to that children have and is reflective of young, healthy skin cells.    

Both doctors have been using prescription formula skincare for years, Dr Clara to treat ‘awful’ acne, and Dr Deb to treat melasma, or pigmentation.

But they both admit it is more difficult to access than it should be – and many people are turned away because their doctors don’t see ‘bad skin’ as a medical issue in need of attention.

Hannah Pearson, saw improvements to her skin pigmentation in just eight weeks

She was super happy with the huge improvement

Hannah Pearson, saw improvements to her skin pigmentation in just eight weeks

Michelle Saunders, who in her late twenties was advised by her GP that her melasma would never improve

She photographed a dramatic transformation to her complexion and stated that The Secret will now be her ‘forever product’

Michelle Saunders, who in her late twenties was advised by her GP that her melasma would never improve. She photographed a dramatic transformation to her complexion and stated that The Secret will now be her ‘forever product’

Deidrea Bailey, suffered from unmanageable breakouts and after three months of using The Secret, her skin is in the “healthiest state it’s ever been”

Deidrea Bailey, suffered from unmanageable breakouts and after three months of using The Secret, her skin is in the ‘healthiest state it’s ever been’


The doctors are both so passionate about skincare because they have both suffered from skin conditions and understand the impact it can have on mental health. They have also struggled with getting their conditions under control and know the difficulty most people have trying to get prescription skin creams.

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Dr Clara has struggled with her skin since she was 27 when she got ‘awful acne’.

‘My face was like a pizza,’ she said.

She used Accutane – which worked initially, but once it stopped she wasn’t prepared to try it again as it dried her skin out too much.

She then went on to use prescription skincare – and noticed the change in her general skin health – and began prescribing it to her patients. 

She became a top-seller for a rival, international brand, because people would compliment her on her amazing skin. She believes her skin is even nicer now. 

She also got mild melasma – or pigmentation after she had her child – a condition only improved with prescription skincare.


Dr Deb also suffered from melasma, she recently shared a picture of herself on holiday where she had a ‘melasma moustache’ – and her children asked her why she had a moustache, which she admits can be uncomfortable.

 She also got terrible acne – and now never gets a pimple. 

This means many people cycle through GPs or are sent off to a dermatologist before they can get a prescription.

‘We are different to most doctors because we see bad skin as a condition which needs to be treated – because we know how much it can effect self confidence and even lead to anxiety and depression,’ Dr Deb said.

Aside from making getting the formula easier to get – the women have also made the process of applying it less complicated.

‘We wanted to simplify skincare, for lazy people like us, we don’t have time for four steps, we have kids, businesses and friends to look after.

The doctors, pictured here with their daughters, say 'bad skin' should be treated like other medical conditions because it has a huge impact on mental health

The doctors, pictured here with their daughters, say ‘bad skin’ should be treated like other medical conditions because it has a huge impact on mental health

‘We don’t want to be spending an hour every morning and night on our skincare,’ Dr Clara said.

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And it is cheaper than other brands, which have to be prescribed by a specialist and are often shipped from overseas. 

Dr Clara said the one she used to use and prescribe cost $1200 for a three-month cycle, where as there’s, known as The Secret, is just $500 for six months.

Because the ingredients are prescription only the women’s customers still have to go through a consultation process, but they can do it all online.

‘There is a questionnaire so we can choose the correct product for you and make any necessary changes so it is perfect for you.

‘Each bottle is hand made for a specific client,’ they said. 

The business launched in 2020 and has grown organically from social media and through tow women's contacts

The business launched in 2020 and has grown organically from social media and through tow women’s contacts

The doctors say they would stop using the product to do their own ‘before and after’ series but are ‘too vain’.

Instead some of their patients have shared incredible pictures showing the huge reduction in pigmentation and acne after they began to use the products. 

In the pictures each customer’s skin looks significantly brighter in the after photos – some also have a huge reduction in pigmentation and other ‘obvious issues’. 

The doctors, left, say they would stop using their product and do their own before and afters but are too vain

 The doctors, left, say they would stop using their product and do their own before and afters but are too vain

‘We don’t just mask conditions, we don’t cover dryness with oils, we treat the conditions and encourage healthy skin to grow, which is the big difference between medical grade skin care and over-the-counter products.’ 

The business launched in 2020 and has grown organically from social media and through tow women’s contacts.

They now have more than 3000 regular customers and ship their products, which are made in Australia, around the world. Each week more than 100 people order their products in a bid to start or continue with their skincare journey.


The doctors recommend a skincare regime, using SPF products and protecting skin from the sun. 

They say using a ‘gentle’ cleanser and a good SPF30 or SPF50 every day is important.

They say remembering to reapply, and using a waterproof product at the beach is essential. 


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