Never-before-seen photos from 9/11 show the atrocious terror attack from a new angle.
The previously-unseen images were taken by a woman who lived in New York when the deadly attack happened almost 20 years ago, killing almost 3,000 people.
Liam Enea, 19, found his great-aunt Maryann’s photos in an album that he was given four years ago – and he has now released pictures to the public.
The New York resident has since died.
It captures the horror associated with the deadliest terrorist attack in history.
Liam wrote on Reddit: “Never before seen 9/11 photo, discovered in a photo book I received from a late relative.

(Image: Reddit/ LIAM ENEA)
“The photos have never been digitized nor seen by anyone other than her.”
Speaking to Newsweek, Liam said his relative must have lived in New York City and was able to get a unique angle on the tragic day.
He said: “Through the photos, I determined that she lived in an apartment at 310 Greenwich Street in New York City whose terrace faced south towards the World Trade Center.
“On that day and in the aftermath, she took the photographs on a type of disposable camera.
“Also, when I showed my mother the building, she instantly recognised it from a 1990s visit and confirmed that Maryann lived there.”
The terrorist attack on September 11, killed 2,977 people, injuring more than 25,000 and shocked the world.
The majority of those were in New York when planes were crashed into both towers of the World Trade Center by hijackers.

(Image: Reddit/ LIAM ENEA)
It was planned by terrorists from Al-Qaeda who hijacked four planes in a coordinated attack. One of the planes was crashed into the Pentagon in Washington D.C while the fourth came down in Pennsylvania after passengers managed to overpower the hijackers.
This September will mark the 20th anniversary of the atrocity.
Liam said the harrowing photos were eventually given to his great-aunt’s sister, his late grandmother.

(Image: Reddit/ LIAM ENEA)
But it wasn’t until February this year that he actually looked at them even though they had been in his possession for years.
Liam said: “I was compelled to post them on Reddit because I hoped people would find them interesting, given that the most iconic photos of the events were taken from a distance, on the ground near the buildings, or from the sky.”
The South Tower took less than an hour to burn and collapsed in a cloud of dust and smoke, and the North fell not long after.
The pictures appear to show the towers after they were struck but before they collapsed to the ground.
Other photos from that terrible day have been released over the last 20 years and captured the emotions of the tragic event.
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