A naked woman mysteriously became stuck between two buildings causing firefighters to launch a two-hour rescue mission to free her.
Fire crews were unable to establish how the woman was able to become wedged in the 18-inch gap between the walls of an auto body shop and car stereo store in Santa Ana, California.
Emergency services were called to the bizarre incident at 1020 N. Harbor Blvd at 2.05pm on Tuesday (July 13), reports Fox 11.
According to the TV station, workers in the area heard a woman crying but struggled to locate exactly where she was.
They searched for around 20 to 30 minutes against the noise from the body shop before finally figuring out her location.

(Image: KTLA 5)
A local shop owner told KTLA: “We heard a lady in the back, behind our shop, screaming, screaming, screaming
“We called the cops and the cops came in and got on the roof and looked between the two walls and she’s all naked.”
Unable to free the trapped woman firefighters from Orange County Fire Authority drilled a small hole into the wall so they could insert a small camera to get a better view of the situation.

(Image: KTLA 5)
Captain Thanh Nguyen said: “She’s wedged in there and we can’t physically get in there and she can’t crawl out.”
With a large fan providing ventilation for the woman it was decided that a large block of concrete needed to be removed so that the woman could escape.
After intensive drilling and more than an hour of working to free the woman was finally able to get unstuck.
She was looked after by paramedics and taken to hospital to be evaluated by medical staff.
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