Bill Gates has warned humans of two future dangers that could be even worse than Covid.
In 2015, he warned the world was unprepared for the next epidemic and five years later millions of people were hit with coronavirus.
He predicted the spread of the virus, saying “people will feel well enough while they’re infectious that they get on a plane or they go to a market”.
The Microsoft boss’ latest prediction has a bleak outlook, as he believes the greatest threats to humanity comes down to climate change and bioterrorism, outside of Covid.
Gates gave a TED talk, called, ‘The Next Outbreak? We’re Not Ready’.

(Image: Getty Images for The New York Times)
In that episode, he spoke about the potential for a virus similar to Covid-19 and stressed humans needed to be prepared.
At the time, he said: “If anything kills over 10 million people in the next few decades, it’s likely to be a highly infectious virus rather than a war.
“Not missiles, but microbes.”
Appearing on YouTube channel Veritasium, alongside host Derek Muller, the chief said: “There’s no good feeling that comes with something like this saying ‘I told you so’.

(Image: VCG via Getty Images)
“Could I have been more persuasive?
“There are a number of respiratory viruses and from time to time one will come along.
“Respiratory diseases are very scary because you’re still walking around on a plane, a bus when you’re infectious. Unlike some other diseases like Ebola where you are mostly in a hospital bed by the time viral load infects other people.”

(Image: Maxppp/PA Images)
He then offered his predictions for the future, telling Muller: “One is climate change. Every year that would be a death toll even greater than we have had in this pandemic.”
What a cheery thought. He then added: “Bio-terrorism. Somebody who wants to cause damage could engineer a virus and that means the cost, the chance of running into this is more than the naturally-caused epidemics like the current one.”
He claims there is no way humans can stop future pandemics, although he added we “could increase our preparedness so we never have a death toll anywhere near what we have today.”
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