Ex-PMs call on Japan to ‘eradicate’ nuclear power

Posted By : Telegraf
6 Min Read


TOKYO – A bipartisan duo of former prime ministers is beating the drums for Japan to totally “eradicate” nuclear energy in the country and rely instead on renewables.

During an appearance before foreign correspondents in Tokyo on Monday, when reminded in a question from Asia Times that US President Joe Biden has included new and prospectively safe nuclear power technology in his multi-trillion-dollar prescription to combat climate change and fix the American economy, the Liberal Democratic Party’s Junichiro Koizumi insisted that pushing any form of nuclear power in Japan is “incomprehensible.”

Following a triple earthquake-tsunami-meltdown disaster at Fukushima a decade ago this month, there was a considerable period when all 54 of Japan’s nuclear power reactors were shut down. During that period, Koizumi said, the country experienced “not a single blackout.”

Thus, “whether it’s fission or the other kind [fusion], I don’t see that there is any need to rely on that sort of technology.”

Naoto Kan of the Democratic Party of Japan, who was prime minister at the time of the Fukushima disaster, exhibited a bit more flexibility, to the extent he admitted to having spoken several years ago with Bill Gates, a leading prophet of new nuclear power technology.


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