Flasher waved his penis at traffic from bridge and waited in dark for female joggers

Posted By : Telegraf
7 Min Read


A serial flasher waved his penis at passing traffic and waited in the dark for women to pass by in a “campaign of depraved behaviour”.

Dale Keiron Topping, 26, from Anglesey in north Wales, exposed himself three times over two months at the end of 2019 and at the beginning of 2020.

In the first incident, he parked his car on a lay-by on the A5 in Anglesey on November, 6, 2019 and waited in the dark for a female jogger, North Wales Live reports.

When one eventually ran past, Topping was stood there “with his penis out, his hands on his hips and smiling at her”, Mold Crown Court heard.

The Menai Bridge in north Wales
In the first incident, he parked his car on a lay-by near the Menai Bridge [pictured] in north Wales

He then slapped her bottom as she tried to run past.

On December 22, 2019, Topping exposed himself again on a footbridge over the A55 near the village of Llanfairpwll – with witnesses including a family in a car.

The judge said: “Your hand was in the air and you were waving your penis at the traffic.”

On January 8 last year, he spotted two women joggers in Gwynedd.

The Menai Suspension Bridge between Anglesey and Gwynedd in north Wales
On January 8 last year, Topping exposed himself to two female joggers in Gwynedd

As they approached him, Topping pulled his trousers down and exposed himself.

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He was caught after the women got into their car, drove past him and took a photo of him.

Topping denied exposing himself three times and denied committing sexual assault.

However, he was convicted after a trial.

Pentraeth Beach in Anglesey
The crimes were committed throughout Anglesey [pictured]

Prosecutor Simon Mintz said Topping’s first victim now carries a personal attack alarm and her husband worries about her welfare when she’s out running.

Another jogger said she avoids the area where Topping exposed himself.

A third victim, who saw him expose himself on the footbridge from a car, feels “nervous, anxious and vulnerable”.

Jonathan Austin, defending, said his client was of previous good character, has now stayed out of trouble and helps his family business.

He lost his job as a mechanic when the allegations were first made.

But the judge, his Honour Judge Rhys Rowlands, said his crimes would have been “terrifying” and were committed for his own sexual gratification.

He told Topping the offences were “fast turning into a campaign of depraved behaviour”.

The judge added: “I see no evidence of remorse or indeed of understanding of how wrong your behaviour was.”

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Judge Rowlands jailed Topping for eight months for exposure and ten months for sexual assault, to run concurrently.

He was given a three-year restraining order and must register as a sex offender for 10 years.

Topping will also be placed on the barring list preventing him from working with children and vulnerable adults on his release.

If you or somebody you know has been affected by this story, contact Victim Support for free, confidential advice on 0845 30 30 900 or visit their website, www.victimsupport.org.uk.


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