Biden should quickly address East, South China Sea issues

Posted By : Telegraf
7 Min Read


A major challenge and harbinger for the foreign policy of US President Joe Biden’s administration will be how to deal with an increasingly assertive Beijing in the South and East China Seas. Biden has proclaimed that “diplomacy is back at the center of our foreign policy.” But that has not been evident so far in the administration’s approach to the China Seas.

Although the White House says it is “not in a rush” regarding its China policy, it is urgent that the US formulate and implement a new approach in the South and East China Seas – if that is in fact what it intends to do.

The question in the minds of China’s leaders and those of most Asian countries is, “Will it be more of the same Trumpian militarist approach or will diplomacy really take the lead as claimed by Biden and advocated by his Indo-Pacific coordinator Kurt Campbell?”

If a change in Biden’s goals or approach is under consideration, this should be communicated pronto both to Beijing and to those countries caught in between the US and China. Otherwise they will assume from US actions that his policy will be more of the ineffective, militarily risky and counterproductive same and prepare and respond accordingly.

Under former president Donald Trump’s administration, America’s approach to the South China Sea issues was an inconsistent hodgepodge of lies regarding intent, hypocrisy, demands, confrontation and military intimidation. For members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations it was an incoherent mixture of “you are either with us or against us,” America First nationalism, and embarrassment of its leaders by Trump’s repeated absences from their annual summit.

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