Biden seeks do-nothing escape from Israel-Palestinian conflict

Posted By : Telegraf
6 Min Read


Back when Joe Biden was vice-president under US president Barack Obama, he told Jewish-American lobbyists that Israel must stop building settlements in areas designated for a future Palestinian state.

“Israel has to work toward a two-state solution,” he told the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) in 2009. “You’re not going to like my saying this, but not build more settlements, dismantle existing outposts and allow the Palestinians freedom of movement.”

A year later, just as Biden was visiting Israel to kick-start Israeli-Palestinian peace talks, the government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced plans to construct new settlement housing in East Jerusalem. The embarrassment – Biden was left speechless on the subject – helped chill US-Israel relations for the duration of the Obama-Biden administration.

Fast-forward and the now-President Biden is faced with a raging, if lopsided, war between Israel and Hamas, the Palestinian Islamist party that rules the Gaza Strip. He wants the conflagration to stop. Otherwise does he have a plan to resolve any underlying issues that have fueled a 100-year conflict?

I don’t think so. That’s because he would have to do something about Israel’s settlement policy and physical expansion beyond borders set in 1967. All such actions have crippled hopes for what US officials used to call a “viable” Palestinian state.


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