Boffin’s clever temperature trick that will come in handy when you’re on holiday

Posted By : Telegraf
4 Min Read


Have you ever vacationed in a country that uses Fahrenheit instead of Celsius?

It’s often confusing to decipher what those numbers mean. Luckily, an Oxford professor has a brilliant hack to quickly convert Celsius to Fahrenheit and vice versa.

This trick will help you calculate and convert temperatures while you’re on your next holiday.

The University of Oxford has shared a method of turning degrees Celsius into degrees Fahrenheit via Twitter, reports Birmingham Live.

Super cool Oxford boffin Dr Tom Crawford, who loves numbers so much he’s covered in maths tattoos, came up with the hack saying: “Turning degrees Celsius into degrees Fahrenheit.

Boffin’s clever temperature trick that will come in handy when you’re on holiday
A tourist takes a pictures with a thermometer display at Death Valley National Park

Now there is an exact formula for this conversion.

“But it involves some pretty nasty numbers.” The brainbox, who goes by @tomrocksmaths on Twitter, adds: “So what we are going to do instead is come up with an approximation.

“It might not work for your scientific experiments but if you are on holiday and you just want to know the temperature, it will work a treat.

“To approximately turn degrees Celsius into degrees Fahrenheit, all you have to do is multiply by two and add 30.

This trick is perfect for holidaymakers
This trick is perfect for holidaymakers

So let’s look at 30 degrees Celsius.

Multiply by two to get 60 and add 30 to get 90 degrees Fahrenheit.

“So let’s look at 10C- a little cooler.

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Multiply by two to get 20 and then add 30 to get 10 degrees Celsius is approx 50 degrees Fahrenheit.

“Multiply by two, add 30, and you have it!”


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