Brave mum speaks out after being ‘body-shamed’ by mean family in River Island

Posted By : Telegraf
6 Min Read


A young mum-of-two has been applauded for bravely sharing her experience of being body-shamed by a teenager and her mother in a clothes store.

Janine Cross was shopping in Plymouth’s Drake Circus shopping mall at River Island and while browsing she noticed the mum and daughter looking at the same rail of clothes.

Janine, 30, revealed that while stood behind the pair she overheard the teen say “nope they only have fat girl sizes”.

The teenager then reportedly turned around and when she saw Janine she said “oops”, before giggling with her mum and walking off, writes PlymouthLive..

Janine decided to share her experience on a popular local Facebook group called Plymouth Gossip Girls and was lauded by fellow followers of the group for her honesty.

Drake Circus mall in Plymouth
Janine said she overheard the comment in Drake Circus mall in Plymouth

Janine admitted that she would have normally been upset over the incident after “years” of being “body-shamed, bullied and belittled” but decided to make a stand.

Janine wrote on the post: “My heart is sad for you.

“It’s sad because you have been brainwashed by social media influencers to believe that anything above a size 12 is a ‘fat girl size’.

Janine spoke candidly about the incident that happened in River Island
Janine spoke candidly about the incident that happened in River Island

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“My heart is sad because at some point you looked at your own body and believed that you needed to be thin to fit in. Body-shaming is not ok.”

One of Janine’s biggest concerns was for other women who may have found themselves in the same position but not felt so resilient for whatever reason in their lives.

“Such a nasty comment can be so detrimental to a women’s mental health and I have sadly seen the effects that body image dysmorphia can do to such beautiful young women.”

“Body shaming needs to stop.”

Janine, who is a mum to two boys aged four and five, makes sure that her children know that women are beautiful whatever shape, size or colour they come in.

“I don’t hide my body from my boys because I want them to see what a real women’s body is supposed to look like and understand that what they see in the media is not always a true representative.

“I remind them every day to be kind to others.”


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