Brit Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe pictured for first time since release in Iran

Posted By : Telegraf
6 Min Read


British-Iranian aid worker Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe has been pictured for the first time since being released in Iran.

The Londoner, 43, posed for a photo after being let go from house arrest at the end of her five-year jail sentence on Sunday.

She wore a head scarf and quilted jacket in the snap.

Despite being released, she has been summoned to court next Sunday on another charge, her lawyer said.

She is accused of “propaganda against the Islamic Republic’s system”, according to her lawyer Hojjat Kermani.

This was “for taking part in a rally in front of the Iranian Embassy in London in 2009 and giving interview to the BBC Persian TV channel at the same time”, he said.

She served her sentence in Iran
She served most of her sentence in prison in Iran

He said he hoped that “this case will be closed at this stage, considering the previous investigation”.

The mum, a project manager with the Thomson Reuters Foundation, was arrested at a Tehran airport in April 2016 while taking her young daughter Gabriella to see her parents.

She was later convicted of plotting to overthrow the clerical establishment back in 2016, but has always denied the charges.

Her ankle tag has been taken off
Her lawyer said her ankle tag has now been removed – but she faces another charge

Richard Ratcliffe, her husband, said the development was “more mixed”.

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But his wife was “pleased” the ankle tag was off, he added.

Rebecca Ratcliffe, her sister-in-law, said she had seemed “upbeat” on a video call.

But she admitted the family faces “a few more sleepless nights ahead of us”.

Nazanin, who served out most of her sentence in Tehran’s Evin prison, was released last March during the coronavirus pandemic.

Nazanin posing for a photo with her husband Richard and daughter Gabriella

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She was kept under house arrest, but her movements were restricted and she was barred from leaving the country.

Authorities in Iran removed her ankle tag on Sunday.

Mr Kermani told an Iranian website: “She was pardoned by Iran’s Supreme Leader last year, but spent the last year of her term under house arrest with electronic shackles tied to her feet.

“Now they’re cast off.

“She has been freed.”


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