A bungling burglar was caught after leaving his phone with selfies and a picture of his passport at the scene of the crime.
Wayne Elliot was caught with ease after he left the device filled with evidence at a flat.
The 43-year-old not only left empty handed, but also forgot his own belongings.
Elliot left the downstairs flat after the homeowner who uses a walking stick due to mobility problems confronted him.
Newcastle Crown Court heard it was after the 43-year-old raider escaped through a bedroom window that the victim realised he had stolen nothing but had left the incriminating property behind.

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Prosecutor Amy Levitt told the court: “There was a mobile phone found under the window in the spare bedroom which did not belong to the complainant.
“There was also a rucksack under the window as well.
“Upon examination, the phone contained pictures of the defendant and a picture of his own passport, plus messages addressed to Wayne.”
The victim said she was “shocked and dazed” when she found the stranger in her home as she had just woken up, reports Chronicle Live.
Miss Levitt added: “She now understands he could have attacked her or worse and thinks about this often.
“She can’t move fast because of mobility issues and has a walking aid.”

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Elliott pleaded guilty to burglary with intent to steal in relation to the raid at Vine Street, Wallsend, on August 22 last year.
He also admitted burglary at a vacant flat in Holly Avenue, Wallsend, a few days earlier, which was unoccupied at the time.
Elliott “ransacked” every room, stole a microwave and television and left a can of Budweiser in the kitchen sink, which contained his DNA.
Assistant Judge Advocate General Edward Legard sentenced him to 13 months behind bars.
The court heard Elliott, of Holly Avenue, Wallsend, has previous convictions for 130 criminal offences.
The judge said the victim who lived at the house where the mobile phone was left “could not have defended herself” and added: “She checks doors and windows every night but still finds it difficult to sleep peacefully.”
The judge told Elliott: “You left behind your mobile phone and rucksack.
“That phone contained pictures of yourself, together with a picture of your passport.
“Domestic burglaries are rightly viewed in a very serious way indeed.
“Homeowners are entitled to feel safe and secure in the confines of their homes.
“In so many cases, such as this, it is vulnerable people who are targeted for this particularly unpleasant crime.”
Liam O’Brien, defending, said Elliott had got on top of his heroin addiction in recent years but relapsed after the death of his mum in May last year.
Mr O’Brien said Elliott has made progress again in prison, despite living under a 23 hours a day lockdown and contracting coronavirus while on remand.
Mr O’Brien added: “He has a real prospect of rehabilitation.”
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