Covid causing erectile dysfunction as ‘long-term side effect’ warns doctor

Posted By : Telegraf
5 Min Read


A doctor and sexual health guru has warned erectile dysfunction could be a long-term side effect of Covid.

German doctor Axel-Juerg Potempa claimed coronavirus infections could lead to problems achieving an erection in male patients months after they’ve recovered.

In an analysis of the effects of the virus on men, Dr Potempa said coronavirus can “inhibit the formation of sex hormones and testosterone”.

He said the condition can be treated with medicines such as Viagra, which increases the blood supply in the male reproductive organs, but said it can take several months for it to work.

Dr Potempa said he is currently treating 32 people who are experiencing erection problems due to Covid infections.

German doctor Axel-Juerg Potempa said the problem is a good “argument” for the vaccine

He claimed: “A mild infection is no guarantee that a person will be spared from long-term effects

“Corona also inhibits the formation of sex hormones, testosterone and dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA).

“That is why the impotence problem is another strong argument that a corona vaccination makes sense. The side effects are evidently lower than possible long-term health and lust consequences”.

German doctor Axel-Juerg Potempa claimed coronavirus infections could lead to erection problems in male patients

US scientists Dr Dena Grayson shares the German doctor’s theory, and told NC Chicago’s LX in December that there is a “real concern” of “erection dysfunction from this virus”.

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She said: “There is some real concern here that men could have long-term issues of erectile dysfunction from this virus because we know that it causes issues in the vasculature.

“This is something that is of real concern – it’s not just that this virus can kill you but can actually cause long-term, lifelong, potentially, complications.”

Dr Potempa said coronavirus “inhibits the formation of sex hormones and testosterone”

Dr Potempa also said the effects on “long-term health and lust consequences” are another “argument” for a coronavirus vaccine.

A record 598,389 people were given their first coronavirus vaccination in one day across the UK on Saturday January 30.

The nationwide vaccination effort has now given a total of 8,977,329 people the job, nearly 500,000 of which have had a second dose.


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