Don’t be a Bieber! Bonkers insults around the world from ‘Morde gov’ to ‘250’

Posted By : Telegraf
7 Min Read


Football team Dundee United’s name has bizarrely become an insult in Nigeria.

People in the African country use it as a way of calling somebody else an idiot.

It derives from an ill-fated tour the Scottish side made to the captial Lagos in 1972, where they played badly and suffered problems off the field.

But other countries have equally as strange insults, as Daily Star reveals…

Nipplehead: This South African ­insult is commonly directed at bald men.

Dog baby: While this South Korean expression initially sounds cute, it’s ­actually a way of calling somebody a “son of a b*tch”.

Soft egg: In Germany, this is used to take the mick out of somebody who is unable to hold their drink.

Football team Dundee United's name has bizarrely become an insult in Nigeria
Football team Dundee United’s name has bizarrely become an insult in Nigeria

Dunklebumser: Translating to “somebody who has sex in the dark”, this insult which also hails from Germany is used to call somebody ugly.

Skitstovel: Meaning “sh*t boot” in Swedish, this is used in the same way a Brit would insult somebody else by calling them an a***hole.

Ranga: This Australian insult is directed to people with red hair, comparing the colour of their tresses to that of an orangutan.

Teletubbyzurückwinker: This German word describes somebody who would wave back to kids’ characters The Teletubbies, and is used to call somebody childish.

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Pendejo: Translating as a single hair from the nether regions in Spanish, this is often used to call somebody an idiot in the European country.

Ranga is an Australian insult directed to people with red hair, comparing the colour of their tresses to that of an orangutan
Ranga is an Australian insult directed to people with red hair, comparing the colour of their tresses to that of an orangutan

Tortchenfriedhof: In Germany and Austria this word, which translates as “cake graveyard” is used to call somebody fat.

Kwal: The word for jellyfish in Flemish, in Belgium this is used by people to call somebody else arrogant.

Kozyol: This means goat in Russian, and is usually used in the same way an English speaker would call somebody else a “motherf***er”. It’s thought to come from old Russian prison slang that referred to an informant.

Tortchenfriedhof is used as an insult to describe someone as fat
Tortchenfriedhof is used as an insult to describe someone as fat

Morde gov: In Farsi, this translates as “dead cow” and is a way of linking people with ­prostitution by calling them a pimp – a ­massive insult in Afghanistan.

Afatottari: Forget insulting somebody by calling them a “motherf***er” in Iceland – in this chilly European country they go for the even more ­insulting Afatottari, aka “grandfatherf***er”.

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250: In areas of China that speak Mandarin, this is a way of calling people stupid. It is believed to refer to the ancient Chinese currency the diào, which was made up of 1,000 coins – ­calling somebody a “250” means they only have a ­quarter of a brain.

Ass dandruff: In Russia, this mean insult doesn’t mean anything in particular, but is a great way of showing your disgust at another person.

Under a frog’s bottom: Hungarians use this to describe somebody who is ignorant of what is going on around them, similar to us saying somebody is burying their head in the sand.

Bieber: In the US this insult, named after Baby singer Justin Bieber, is used to refer to somebody who is small and annoying.


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