A man under the influence of meth jumped over a dock and tried to escape a courtroom after he flew into a rage, as shown in an extraordinary video.
Daniel Nicholson, 35 from Adelaide, Australia, was furious when he was told his bail had been revoked and immediately tried to escape.
The footage shows him suddenly jump up and try to vault over the dock while a sheriff’s officer grabs his legs to try and prevent his escape.
Nicholson then tumbles down onto a table outside the dock while someone in the background frantically screams: “Stop! Please!”
A police prosecutor then grabs Nicholson and drags him to the floor, while a person shouts: “Leave him, he’s a sick man.”

(Image: 9NEWS)
His trousers partly fall down in the struggle and his relatives scream and look distressed as he fights with the officer on the ground.
The dad-of-four was facing criminal charges, including torching a car and stealing a motorbike, 9news.com reports.
Magistrate Susan O’Connor told him: “I revoke bail.”
“Please Miss,” Nicholson begged in the dock moments before kicking off.

(Image: 9NEWS)

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The dad pleaded guilty to the incident, which took place in Christies Beach Magistrates Court in September last year, and said he had just “freaked out”, according to the local news report.
Nicholson’s lawyer said his client had a “longstanding issue with illicit drug use” and was under the influence of methamphetamine, also known as crystal meth, that day, 7news.com reports.
His lawyer said Nicholson was “genuinely remorseful for his behaviour”.
Nicholson is due to be sentenced next month.
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