Police officers were spotted taking out their Tasers and aiming it at revellers after a fight erupted at a Wetherspoons pub.
The chaos, which saw a punter attacking a pub manager, unfolded at The Blue Bell pub in Scunthorpe at around at 5.20pm on Friday, May 28.
Humberside Police were called to the scene and two policemen draw out their Taser guns, ordering the man to “get back” and “stay down”.
Video posted on a Reddit post shows the dramatic moment an officer tackling the pub-goer as he wraps his arm around his neck.
The pair fall to the ground while another officer throws in punches at the man.

(Image: Reddit)
The situation goes out of control when they point the Tasers at the group of drinkers, who are shouting over each other inside the pub.
The fierce standoff continues as the officers order a man to “get on the floor”.
The clip then cuts to show a group of policemen pressing on the reveller.
It is said the fight started when the pub manager told the customers to follow social distancing.

(Image: Reddit)

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Humberside Police said two police officers needed hospital treatment for their injuries.
Chief Inspector Paul French said: “Now that restrictions are lifting and hospitality is reopening, we are doing all we can to support members of the public and local businesses as the night time economy re-starts.
“Our first response will always be to engage with drinkers, however please be assured that we will swiftly and robustly deal with any cases of disorder – and we certainly will not tolerate abuse and violence directed at our officers or at hospitality staff.
“There are additional measures in place at the moment and venues are working hard to adapt.”
A Wetherspoon spokesman told The Mirror: “We completely condemn the actions of a group of customers at The Blue Bell, Scunthorpe.

(Image: Reddit)
“The pub’s manager rightly told them they would not be served because they were not following social distancing.
“As a result the manager was attacked by a member of the group and needed hospital treatment.
“The police came to the pub to deal with the situation and were attacked by the group members.
“Our staff work hard to ensure that the pub is a fun and safe place for customers to socialise and for staff to work in and do not deserve to be treated in this way.
“We are grateful for the actions of the police. We will assist the police in any way possible with their enquiries.”
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