Facebook blasts gardeners for ‘offensive’ term after spotting ‘hoe’ in comments

Posted By : Telegraf
4 Min Read


Facebook’s censors thought they were sharing an offensive term aimed at women.

But horticulture hobbyists were actually discussing the ancient weeding tools – spelled with an “e”, unlike the sexist slur.

One group called WNY Gardeners has been flagged repeatedly by the network for “violating community standards” as its 7,500 members discussed their passion.

When one wrote “push pull hoe” on a post about preferred weeding tools, moderators fired off a notification that warned: “We reviewed this comment and found it goes against our standards for harassment and bullying.’’

Gardener Elizabeth Licata got in touch with Facebook to complain, saying: “You know I said this is a gardening group – a hoe is gardening tool.’’

Facebook blasts gardeners for ‘offensive’ term after spotting ‘hoe’ in comments
Facebook flagged the word ‘hoe’ went against its standards

She didn’t get a reply to her message.

A Facebook spokesman said some of the enforcements had been corrected – and human beings, rather than computers, would check posts in future before the group was deleted or sanctioned.

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