Federal Reserve isn’t fooling anybody on inflation

Posted By : Telegraf
5 Min Read


NEW YORK – Inflation is “running persistently below” the Federal Reserve’s 2% “long-run goal,” and the Federal Open Market Committee “will aim to achieve inflation moderately above 2 percent for some time so that inflation averages 2 percent of time and long-term inflation expectations remain well anchored at 2%,” the US central bank’s governing body declared in an April 28 statement.

The Fed isn’t fooling anyone.

The bond market’s measure of expected inflation –the yield difference between ordinary Treasuries and inflation-indexed Treasuries – jumped another tenth of a percent last week to 2.4% and is headed higher.

The Fed lost the anchor for expected inflation sometime last year when it bought US$4 trillion of securities. It continues to hold the bag for a Treasury deficit of $3 to $4 trillion this year, depending on whether Congress approves President Joe Biden’s proposed $2.3 trillion infrastructure bill on top of a $1.9 trillion stimulus earlier this year and an additional $1.8 trillion of helicopter money that the White House offered on April 27.

We’ve hammered on this sore toe for the past month because the biggest problem facing the world economy now—apart from the continued spread of Covid-19 – is the most profligate fiscal and money policy in American history.


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