Fred West search: Cadaver dog trained to sniff out human remains ‘picked up something’

Posted By : Telegraf
7 Min Read


A cadaver dog sniffing for clues inside a cafe Fred West was a regular indicated there may be something inside.

Police are searching the Clean Plate cafe in Gloucester for the remains of a missing teenager who was last seen more than 50 years ago.

Mary Bastholm was last sighted in January 1968, in a blue coat, blue and white dress, and a blue handbag when she was 15 years old.

Now 53 years later, a production crew working on a documentary found a void beneath the floor in the basement of the cafe where she worked, previously called the Pop-In.

Fred West search: Cadaver dog trained to sniff out human remains ‘picked up something’
A cadaver dog sent in to sniff out the scene ‘picked up something’

It’s suspected Mary could be a victim of serial killer Fred west after cops found what they think maybe bits of blue clothing.

DCI John Turner told The Mirror that wife Rose would be questioned if significant new lines of inquiries lead anywhere in the case.

It’s thought evil Fred may have laid the concrete in the basement when he was contracted to complete renovation work in the cafe.

Cops are digging up the cafe floor as part of the investigation
Cops are digging up the cafe floor as part of the investigation

DCI Turner also said officers re-interviewed Fred’s son, Stephen, who claimed his dad confessed to killing Mary before taking his own life.

The Gloucestershire Police officer said: “We all know that Fred spoke to Stephen West just before he died but he never told him where she was buried.

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“The problem we have with Fred West is he told tons of lies.

“He led us on a wild goose chase all around the country, which has been heartbreaking over years for family members, including the Bastholms.”

Senior Investigating Officer DCI John Turner says they 'don't know what they're going to find'
Senior Investigating Officer DCI John Turner says they ‘don’t know what they’re going to find’

Fred West “enjoyed being the centre of attention” and “wanted to control the investigation” added DCI Turner.

Police are focusing on digging up the basement of the cafe which is around half a mile from where the Wests once lived.

Six voids underground, four below where toilets once stood, will be excavated and examined one at a time.

The process could take up to two weeks and DCI Turner said he doesn’t ‘know what they’re going to find’.

Mary Bastholm went missing when she went to catch a bus aged 15
Mary Bastholm went missing when she went to catch a bus aged 15

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It’s unsure what is in the voids or what caused them, but investigators have said it doesn’t necessarily point to the possibility of more bodies being buried there.

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Fred and Rose West were arrested in 1994, several years after Mary’s disappearance.

DCI Turner added: “This is a cloud that has been hanging over the family and Gloucester for far too long and now I am in a position where I can find out the truth about this part of this investigation.”


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