Heartbreaking moment dog tries to ‘kiss’ and revive her puppy hit by a car

Posted By : Telegraf
5 Min Read


A video of a heartbroken dog trying to revive her dead puppy on the side of a road after it got hit by a car has gone viral.

The poor dog, the mother to the dead pup, can be seen gently nudging her child as it lies lifeless on the pavement.

In an apparent attempt to try to revive it, the dog also appears to kiss the animal as it looks for help from people passing by.

The sad moment reportedly took place in the north-eastern Turkish city of Kars.

According to reports, the puppy tried to cross the road after its mother and was hit by a car.

The sad moment reportedly took place in the north-eastern Turkish city of Kars

The mother dog then stayed with the puppy for several hours, looking for help, and guarding her body.

Several people are reported to have stopped and pet the poor mother dog, but the dead puppy was sadly beyond help.

It is unclear if the motorist who hit the animal stopped to move it out of the road or if a witness helped the mother dog bring it to safety.

Council workers eventually arrived at the roadside and disposed of the animal’s body and the mother dog then left the area.

The mother dog then stayed with the puppy for several hours

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She has not been since the incident, which occurred on Thursday February 25.

Local authorities are believed to not be looking into the incident.

In November 2020, the Daily Star wrote about Stella, a four year old cross breed who was intentionally run over.

She lost a leg in the incident and was life for dead in a ditch.

The brave dog, abandoned in Romania by an English family, also lost a leg in the cruel accident.

A local English charity, Futures of Dogs in Sandwich, Kent, now plans to re-home the animal.


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